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Space Invaders...Day 27



Have you ever got water in your ear, then it gets all stuck and stuff? And you move your head, and you can freaking hear it in your ear. It gets all annoying, so you do everything in your power to make it go away...but it doesn't. That's what I had today! YAY! Yes, it was a blast playing with that going on. And then the itchies came...on the back of my neck. I'm growing my hair out and my hair was still wet I guess from bathing and all....and it freaking tickled/itched! Argh! I can't stop blasting Invaders just to scratch! Another fun thing: very hungry while playing. I started losing my ships on purpose, but then I got to about 48k and decided I wanted to score over 50k. So I did. Then I lost my ship and I got to eat! YAY! On another note, today was kinda bad. Something happening in my fiances life...and when it affects her, it affects me. But she came over and we talked and laughed and all, so we're better. If I can get her to forget what's going on then she's happy and I like to see her happy. She's a very very stressed woman.Anywhoways, I scored 52,640 points tonight. I need to put up the Xbox (I freaking knew I wouldn't play the RPG and just stick with Atari...cause Atari RULES!) Yes, put it back in the closet from whence it came! If anyone must know what other fun I have besides Atari: comic books, hero clix and I'm trying to get into a D&D game! Whoo hoo! Total games: 42Total points: 1,434,715Very close to 1.5 million. Will I get it tomorrow or two days from now? Hmmm.....


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