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Space Invaders...Day 30



Yep, I'm sick. I figured it would happen. Thing is though, I was up almost all last night with the freaking chills. Guess the fever was running wild. I couldn't sleep for anything. Now I'm not into medicine. See one and its side effects just pile on the problems. However, I do believe in Nyquil (or generic in my case). Seeing as how I got sick so soon after being sick last time, I got some generic dayquil/nyquil. Thankfully I played a game this morning. I somehow managed 31,305. That's awesome considering the condition I was in. And I somehow made it through work! Must've been the dayquil. Anyways, I'm not playing a second game tonight. Bout to hit the nyquil and HOPE I get some sleep. I'm off the next two days, so we'll see.Total games: 45Total points: 1,541,120Oh, I also thought of this. After tomorrow since it's the end of January, I'm going to start a new total games/point count. I want to see how I fare each month, but I will still be keeping a true total on paper. Unless I do some heavy shooting tomorrow, I'm guessing 1.7 million will be my tops for this month. We shall see!


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