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Configurable lives in Thunder Force III



For kicks, it seemed fair to do the same thing in Thunder Force III.


However, Thunder Force III doesn't /have/ a lives select, only a 'ship speed' and 'game level' option. This makes things a bit harder!


I started by going back to the hacking documentation I linked in an earlier blog, and looking for anything to do with player lives. The function list included one called 'StyxCollision' at $3f56 that seemed promising, so, I set a breakpoint there. Then, I started a game, intending to die.


Unfortunately, this was called immediately, and didn't seem to have much to do with lives. The next one, "StyxFailure" at $4178, seemed to work and was called when I collided with an enemy. Okay then!


At first glance it didn't seem to do much, so I stepped through. When it eventually did a bsr to $532c, I checked the notes and saw that was PlaySound1. So that made sense. I skipped over the call and looked a little further, and then at $41AE hit this:


  subq.w #1,$fff2b4.l bmi $41c2

$F2B4 contains '4', which is reasonable for this. So, to test I found the right address, I set it to $63, then continued. This worked! (And when the collision code was immediately called again, I found that $A808 contains the countdown for how far forward the new ship moves, and while I'm not sure what $A802 is meant for, setting it makes you invincible.)


So next was the issue of how to select 99 lives on the options menu. Mostly I found myself eyeing ship speed, since it seemed the least useful (you can change speed in game, don't need it here!) I also had to decide just how hacky to be... in the end, I decided to go ahead and just replace it altogether with a plainly labelled 'lives' count.


You may remember my previous TF3 hack for weapon sounds reserved 4 bytes at the top of RAM, and I went through a lot of work to protect those bytes (probably foolishly), then only used 1 bit. Well, now we can use another byte. My first hack pokes around with $FFFE.w, so I'll go ahead and use $FFFC.w as the values for setting lives. Someday, I may wish I used bytes, but hopefully this will be the end of it.


That decided, there are three things to do: 1) update the menu for numeric entry, 2) store the result at $FFFC, and 3) use that value when starting the game.


For the first thing, it seemed easiest to replace the text first off. To save needing to hack the checksum every boot, I turned autofix checksum on. I try to leave that off because forgetting then burning an EPROM really sucks. ;) But this will be enough trouble as it is.


First, I had to find 'SHIP SPEED'. That's easy enough with most hex editors. There was a catch, of course, the space was not ' ' but rather '@' (searching just for 'SPEED' found it). It's always important to repeat your search to make sure there is only one hit, to make sure you're in the right place - in this case, there was only one hit.


Rather than worry about how it determines string length, we can just pad it with spaces.


So, at $6854, replace "SHIP@SPEED" with "LIVES@@@@@". A quick test showed that worked fine and did not appear to interfere with the game.


The next part is tricky. The display for that line displays the text "LOW/MID/HIGH/TOP", and we want numbers. I doubt I'd even have attempted this without the hacking document, since they did all the work already. (Of course, we could also have written completely new code, but this was supposed to be quick, like TF2 was!)


The memory map in the hacking document shows the velocity select in the options menu is located at $69B2, with the texts at $69D8-$6AEA. To start, we'll take a look at how that works.


Interestingly, that function is called twice on entry to the Configuration Screen, but it is also called when the entry is selected. We see this code. I poked around a bit to verify the intent of the code:


 move.w #$14,$f20c.w	value is 20 (mid screen, maybe?) move.w #$27,$f20e.w	value is 39 (?) move.w $f34c.w,d0	get the current value of speed setting and.w #$3,d0		mask down to 0-3 mulu.w #$5,d0 		multiply by 5, each word is padded to be 5 chars long movea.l #$69d8,a0	$69d8 is the ROM location for the word 'LOW  ' lea (a0,d0.w),a0	adds them together to get a final address into A0 bra $4bfe		almost certainly a string display (doc calls it 'DisplayTxt')

So that is where the string is displayed. It's not really what we wanted, but we know now that the address being changed is $f34c, so we can set a breakpoint on that memory location instead. For this, moving left made it breakpoint at $6980, at a BCC. I disassembled from a little earlier and found this at $6976:


 btst #$2,D0		check for joystick left beq chkright		not set, jump to $698a subq.w #1,$f34c.w	speed setting down one bcc notneg		jump if not negative clr.w $f34c.w		reset a negative value to zeronotneg: bsr $69b2		display velocity string (we just looked at this above) bra $6960		presumably, loop around and repeat the scan loopchkright: btst #$3,d0		check for joystick right beq notright		branch if not set to $69a6 addq.w #1,$f34c.w	speed setting up one cmpi #$3,$f34c.w	check for maximum of 3 (0-3) bls nothigh		branch if not too high move.w #3,$f34c.w	reload value with 3nothigh:  bsr $69b2		display velocity string bra $6960		loop around (presumably) notright: bra $6960		loop around (odd that it comes here for nothing, but not unusual)

So that definitely covers the menu entry, and it's what we'll need to change. Presumably the changes are already starting to look obvious, but there's the one problem of not knowing how to display digits instead of a string. For that, let's take a peek at the music select line.


The document has something in the area for music test at $6880, so we'll start with that. Alas, breakpointing there does nothing (it appears that is just the text). We also see 'MusicTestData1' at $6b18, so I tried a breakpoint on reading there and select the first music. That worked, and stopped at $6AF0. So I disassembled back a bit, and found this at $6AAA:


 btst #$2,D0		check for joystick left beq notleft		branch if not set to $6ac2 subq.w #1,$f344.w	decrement music index bcc nowrap		branch if it didn't go negative move.w #$15,$f344.w	it went negative, so wrap around to $15 (21)nowrap: bsr $6b4c		draw routine? hacking document does NOT cover this. bra $6a8e		presumably loop around notleft: btst #$3,D0		check for joystick right beq notright		branch if not set to $6adc addq.w #1,$f344.w	increment music index cmpi.w #$15,$f344.w	check for maximum bls nowrap2		branch if not too high clr.w $f344.w		set to zero on wrapnowrap2: bsr $6b4c		draw routine? bra $6a8e		loop around? notright: and.w #$f0,d0		mask off just the buttons beq $6a8e		loop around if none pressed movea.l #$6b18,a0	get address of music table...

From there it just handles looking up and playing the music. But that's not enough information, we need to look into $6b4C to see how the digits are drawn (and importantly, positioned!) Breakpoint there and change the number...


 move.w #$14,$f20c.w	loads '20', probably x position move.w #$2b,$f20e.w	loads '43' - something to do with Y.. 4 more than the speed row which is right... move.w $f344.w,D0	loads the value of the music index into D0 bra $4dce		branch to $4dce - also not in the hack doc, but it seems likely we got it.

Note how this ends with a BRA, but is called with a BSR. This means the RET in the $4DCE subroutine will return to our caller.


The 'y' coordinate is weird, but, it is predictable based on what we already know. So let's just go ahead and see what happens if we use it.


Right about this time I realized that it was going to be a bit of a pain making it FIT, because the speed select code does not wrap around at zero, and uses a bcc rather than comparison for the lower value. These are smaller, faster operations, but they mean that it will be hard to fit the replacement code in the same place. Also, it bugged me a lot to be replacing the speed select.


I decided instead, to replace the voice test. It was already numeric, and it wraps. It wraps at zero, but because it has a button press as well, there's a little more space for the replacement code. And we don't lose the (arguably not very useful) speed setting.


Since the only hack so far was the speed text, I went back and undid that. But now, of course, I had to find the voice test line.


The text was easy, found that at $68AC and changed "VOICE@TEST" to "LIVES@@@@@". For the test itself, the document shows the VoicesPtrTable at $73478, so that was the address I watched. That didn't work though.


At this point, with not much to go on, I disassembled the code after the above, and just looked for more joystick reads. I found a set at $6B82, modifying $F346, which was likely sound effects. Another one at $6c16 proved to be the one, however. Very similar to the music test above, except with a range of 0-6, and updating $f348.


With that choice made, and only mild misgivings, I went ahead. Since more than ranges had to be changed, it was easier to use the assembler and just overwrite the whole block. Its loop point appeared to be $6BFC, otherwise I was free to replace code. We also have to remember that the life counter ($f2B4) in this game contains the exact displayed value, and defaults to 4 lives. We'll allow a range from 1-99, like the TF2 hack. And the display subroutine (there is one now!) is at $6c64.


 btst #$2,D0		check joystick left beq notleft		branch if not subq.w #1,$fffc.w	decrement count cmpi.w #$FFFF,$fffc.w	test against FFFF (wraparound) bne nowrap1		no need to wrap move.w #$62,$fffc.w	store 98 (99 total)nowrap1: bra disp		jump ahead to displaynotleft: btst #$3,d0		check joystick right beq $6bfc		not valid, just loop addq.w #1,$fffc.w	increment count cmpi.w #$62,$fffc.w	test against maximum bls nowrap2 move.w #$0,$fffc.w	store '0'nowrap2:disp: bsr $6c64		display new value bra $6bfc		wrap around

This assembles to this block of code, that we drop in at $6c16. It ends at $6c4B, we have till $6c59.


6C16: 0800 0002 6714 5378 fffc 0c78 FFFF fffc

6606 31fc 0062 fffc 6018 0800 0003 67c6

5278 fffc 0c78 0062 fffc 6306 31fc 0000

fffc 611A 60B0


We also need to fix the display code before we can test this, as it displays the wrong variable. Breakpointing at $6C64 quickly showed the address to patch:

6c72: change "F348" to "FFFC"


And, it's necessary to replace $6C64 with a function that adds 1 to the value. this function is called on entry to the screen and when you change its value, and there isn't much room around it. But, we have some bytes free above, and all we need to do is sneak in an increment. The function looks like this:


 move.w #$14,$F20C.w	load column move.w #$2F,$f20e.w	load row (encoded somehow) move.w $fffc.w,D0	load value (after hack!) bra $4dce		go print number

So, we can just replace that bra with a branch to our code, increment d0, then go on to 4DCE. At $6c4C (spare room from above). This uses to $6c51 (still 8 bytes free).


 addq #1,d0		increment value bra $4dce		go print

6C4C: 5240 6000 e17e

6c76: replace "e158" with "ffd6"


Save and test at this point, and you should see lives instead of voice test, and be able to select from 01 to 99. Pressing the button should do nothing. Note, it may start at a strange value, or 0, and it won't have any effect yet. Also test that if you exit config and come back in that it remembers the value.


Menu is fixed, so there are two tasks left - initialize it with a meaningful value (4), and make it actually take effect.


Initialization is easy - we already added code that makes it set the weapons sound flag on. This is located at $7194, and is just two instructions (a bset, and a branch). Unfortunately, immediately after it is some related code, meaning we don't have enough room to insert the new initialization code there.


So, heck with it. We'll just move the startup code a little further down - the next free spot is at $71DE:


 bset #$0,$fffe.w	enable weapon sounds movei.w #$4,$fffc.w	set default of 4 lives bra $200		go to real entry point

71DE: 08f8 0000 fffe 31fc 0004 fffc 6000 9014


and change the entry point:

0004: 0000 71DE


Load that, and when you enter the configuration screen, lives should be set to 04 by default. All that is left now is to update the code that initializes it at the beginning of a game! For that, set a memory breakpoint on $f2b4, so we can see when it is loaded. For me, it came up right after the stage select, at $0502. Disassembling the area found this code at $4F2:


 clr.w $f2bc.w move.w $f34c.w,$f2be.w move.w #$4,$f2b4.w		<---- here it is move.l #$7d0,$f2b6.w

It's in a reasonable area and doing what we expected.. if this is really it, all we need to do is change it from an immediate value, to our stored value. So "move.w $fffc.w,$f2b4.w". Should be the same size instruction.


04Fc: Change "31fc 0004" to "31F8 FFFC"


Now load it up and DO NOT enter the config screen - make sure you start with 4 lives. Reset, change to some other value, and make sure you start with that.


Now, finally, before we declare it done, we need to fix the checksum. Breakpoint on reading $18E and turn OFF autofix checksum.


I get a value of $3bC8 in D0, so drop that at $18E, and make sure it works.




You'll get some killer high scores with 99 lives, so no cheating on contests. ;)


So, that was a lot of work, but you can also see that just locking down a different count would be easy - change the 0004 at $04fE to whatever you like, and you're set. But it's nicer to have it configurable, isn't it?

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I already documented how to hack Alpiner, what else do you want? Personally there aren't any games for the TI I need to hack for myself. ;)

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