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Space Invaders...Day 34



You know, when you score over 200k you learn something from that game. I know it's only been three days, but I've been doing pretty good in February so far! Today I racked up 132,765 points! Maybe there's just something about playing about 7ish in the morning...I dunno. Anyways, prepare to slap a big "DUH!" sticker on me. While playing on stage 4 or 5, I had to do something with my spit bottle (where I could spit up my junk I was coughing up!). Anyways, I either shot or missed UFO number 1 and lo and behold here comes number 2! I figured 2 UFO's showed up on every screen. However, once those shields are gone, I waste the Invaders in no time! Go me....cause now I can score even higher per stage. I feel so.....yeah, you know all the words.But here's the deal. Of course, you have to WAIT for UFO #2 to appear. Will waiting every screen for 2 UFO's, in a sense, cause my games to be longer? Yes, I'll have a higher score if I blast all the UFO's and all, but with all that waiting it might take me longer to lose all my ships and all....meaning games will take longer. This is good, yes, when I play on my days off. Bad on my work days, cause I don't have as much time as I do on an off day....duh!I feel better in a sense. The fever is gone, but the sore throat is still a killer! My medicine is just not working against that bad boy. So I have to wade it out I guess. Anyways here is what I have so far:Total Games: 3Total Points: 518,920I'm going to try very hard not to slow down. I'm not saying I'll still be getting over 100k per game within the next few days, but I will try! I have to score 481,080 within 7 days...will be tough but I feel I can do this! Let's go me with 1 million in 10 days or under!


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