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The Story of Stay Frosty 2, Part 12



As mentioned last time, cd-w spun off a new topic to investigate the use of an EEPROM to store level data. While we ended up not using one, he did use the CodeSourcery ARM toolchain to write routines to copy data from the EEPROM to RAM. batari mentioned that I should look into using that toolchain as it appeared to create tighter (smaller) code.


One minor issue is the toolchain wasn't available for the OS X, only Windows and Linux. But it was a rather minor issue as I'd been using Parallels (a virtual machine) for a few years. So I set up a new VM for Linux and installed the new compiler. If you're interested in learning more about virtual machines, my other blog series DPC+ARM Development is currently going over the free VM VirtualBox.


Using the new compiler, the ARM code shrunk by 1176 bytes from 15,963, a savings of 7.4%. Additionally, I was able to implement some optimizations that failed with the original C compiler - this brought the total savings to 1624 bytes, a savings of over 10%!


One problem did occur though, the music stopped working - it was stuck on the first note. I made some changes which fixed the music, but then the snowman stopped moving in the X direction. The variable storage when the music didn't work was:

*(.bss) *(COMMON) COMMON         0x40001e14        0x4 music.o                0x40001e14                gMusicTrack COMMON         0x40001e18       0x24 main.o                0x40001e18                gFrostyX                0x40001e1c                gLevelWidth                0x40001e20                gFrostyImage                0x40001e24                gFrostyY                0x40001e28                gScore                0x40001e2c                gSnowballY                0x40001e30                gShiftWindow                0x40001e34                gLevelOffset                0x40001e38                gSnowballX                0x40001e3c                . = ALIGN (0x4)                0x40001e3c                _ebss = .                0x40001e3c                end = .

While when the snowman couldn't move was:

*(.bss) *(COMMON) COMMON         0x40001e14       0x28 main.o                0x40001e14                gFrostyX                0x40001e18                gLevelWidth                0x40001e1c                gFrostyImage                0x40001e20                gFrostyY                0x40001e24                gScore                0x40001e28                gMusicTrack                0x40001e2c                gSnowballY                0x40001e30                gShiftWindow                0x40001e34                gLevelOffset                0x40001e38                gSnowballX                0x40001e3c                . = ALIGN (0x4)                0x40001e3c                _ebss = .                0x40001e3c                end = .

I realized that whatever was in 0x40001e14 was getting overwritten by zero, so as a quick fix I just defined a dummy variable:

*(.bss) *(COMMON) COMMON         0x40001e14        0x4 music.o                0x40001e14                Dummy COMMON         0x40001e18       0x28 main.o                0x40001e18                gFrostyX                0x40001e1c                gLevelWidth                0x40001e20                gFrostyImage                0x40001e24                gFrostyY                0x40001e28                gScore                0x40001e2c                gMusicTrack                0x40001e30                gSnowballY                0x40001e34                gShiftWindow                0x40001e38                gLevelOffset                0x40001e3c                gSnowballX                0x40001e40                . = ALIGN (0x4)                0x40001e40                _ebss = .                0x40001e40                end = .

That fixed both problems. batari did some research and discovered a bug in custom.S, the C code boot routine that he'd written. Fixing that solved the problem, so I removed the dummy variable.


At this point I decided to analyze if our tentative level arrangement was going to fit in the ROM (the ?X notation is how wide the level is, 1X = 1 screen, 2X = 2 screens, etc):

  • five 1X, each used twice for 10 total levels
  • five 2X, each used twice for 10 total levels
  • six 3X, 4 used twice, 2 distinct for 10 total levels
  • one 1X bonus room, used twice for 2 levels

I realized that even with the space freed up by the C compiler it wasn't going to fit. So time for more optimizing!


First up, I reviewed the music routines and revised it so data like this:

C4,     REST,     C3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     G3,     E3, 0, 0, 0, C4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, C4,     G3,     E3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

was now stored like this:

C4,     REST,     C3, 0,     G3,     DOUBLE_TIME + E3, C4, 0, DOUBLE_TIME + 0, C4,     G3,     E3, 

The test track used 1190 bytes of space, with the new storage method that was down to 306. I copied the music data twice to allocate space for a menu music, odd level music, and even level music. So at this point music data used up 918 bytes, down 272 bytes.


Next I found a Fast Bit Reversal routine for reversing 16 bits and revised it to work for 8:

unsigned char BitReversal(unsigned char value){				value = ((0xaa & value) >> 1) | ((0x55 & value) << 1);		value = ((0xcc & value) >> 2) | ((0x33 & value) << 2);		value = ((0xf0 & value) >> 4) | ((0x0f & value) << 4);				return value;}

That replaced a 256 byte lookup table with a 42 byte function for another 202 byte savings. I also revised the sky colors, made some changes to the boss and added the defeated boss message.


Level 32 started to jitter, which I attributed to the bit reversal routine being slower than the lookup table.




At this point the following levels were considered "done" such that they might be tweaked and/or resequenced to make the progression better, but the layout itself was done:

  • 1 - didn't end up in final game
  • 3 - early version of level 4 in final game
  • 10 - bonus room, level 8 in final game
  • 11 - level 14 in final game
  • 17 - moving version of #1, didn't end up in final game
  • 19 - dropped from final game
  • 26 - second bonus room, level 24 in final game
  • 27 - level 29 in final game
  • 32 - early version of boss level - touching boss still instantly vaporizes the snowman

Level 4 wasn't considered done, but would eventually become level 3 in final game.


At this point the ROM free state was 2502 bytes:

ARM - $5d8 -1496

Bank4 - $103 - 259

Bank5 - $1fe - 510

Display Data - $ed - 237




original 3x boss



revised 4x boss



I'd also tried 5x, but the tall/skinny fire just didn't look right.





sf2 20101202_NTSC.bin

sf2 20101202_PAL.bin





NOTE: While the ROMs work on the Harmony, they do not work in Stella.


Blog entry covers November 29 - December 2, 2010


Recommended Comments

Ah, the old space versus speed tradeoff. When I was doing Skeleton I was looking for ways of saving bytes so I went through the various lookup tables. I had one for the color sequence for when the Skeleton died. I changed the code to just use the PRNG instead - saving a goodly number of bytes.

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