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Space Invaders...Day 35



Well this morning wasn't cool. When I got into the game, I knew it was going to be bad. I lost a ship early, and I just couldn't hold my routine up. I kept missing alot and was very sloppy. I only scored 78,355 points. When I look at how many points I need, I need an average of just under 70k a day to achieve 1 million in 10 days or under. I did score above average, but man I don't need to go like this. I don't see myself getting up early tomorrow, but if somehow I do get up at 7ish, depending on how I feel, I might go at it. Or I might just wait till night time. On another note I'm feeling tons better but still have the coughs. Not fun really, but hopefully I can get over them soon. When I look at todays game, I know that we all have good days and bad. I of course didn't expect to get over 100k each day for the first few days this month, and I really didn't expect to play this horribly. I'm still going for the goal and I feel tomorrow will be a better day for me. I won't give this up! I must now work extra hard and score alot more points to get back on track. Let's hope by day 7 or 8 I can reach the 1 million mark!Total Games: 4Total Points: 597,275When I look at the average, I need to score at least 67,121 points each day for 6 more days to get 1 million in 10 days. I feel I can do this, and like I said, I'm hoping by at least day 8 I can do this. Day 7 is pushing, but if I can do really well soon (Tuesday on my day off maybe) then I'll do it in 7 days. But let's not shoot to high and go for 8 I guess. (Of course, that means scoring over 100k each day for 4 days....yikes!).


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