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Space Invaders...Day 37



Well, I played a game but forgot to post in my blog. It's now past midnight...but oh well! I'll still treat it as it were still January 6th.Now I've played the game and noticed something, but never paid attention until tonight. I noticed that some of the Invaders, when shot, don't have the exploding sprite that goes with them. Here's the deal: some always seem to have the sprite, some don't have it, and others sometimes display it and at other times don't. I'm thinking of sitting down and recording a play through sometime and see which ones have it and all that. On column A, the column of Invaders to the far left, Invader 1 and 2 (closest to the bottom) don't have it. Number 3 at times does display it. 4 and 5 from what I've seen always have it and number 6 doesn't have the sprite. I wonder if it's different each playthrough? At first I thought it was the order in which they were destroyed, cause number 5 and 6 on column C didn't have the sprite when shot in a different order. But at other times it was different. So when they're shot makes no difference.Anyways, random small stuff I find. Tonight I scored 98,920 points. Close to 100k...but not good enough in a sense I guess if I'm going for this goal. I guess yesterdays score will make up for the few points I lacked tonight.Total Games: 6Total Points: 822,345I'm 177,655 points away from 1 million. Unless I score that in one game tomorrow, I'll probably get it on day 8. That means for 2 days I must score at least 88,828 points in order to get 1 million in under 10 days. Let's hope I can do this!


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