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Space Invaders...Day 42



I did better...yet I did worse. Tonights game was bad. I lost my first ship at about 2k. Then, next thing I know, I lost another just seconds later! I was like NO! I don't know if I was all the way to the right or if my controller decided not to work on my 2nd ship. I did notice my hands were sweaty (it's a little warm in here) and I kept having to wipe them off alot. That might've been the problem.There's something that happens on alot of my games I can't quite figure out. When it gets to about 3 or 4 columns worth of Invaders, with about 3 in each column, something great happens. I destroy the Invader closest to me on the furtherst left row. And just as they drop down, and begin to come left, I shoot. And when I fire, it looks like at times the shot goes through the 5th Invader and hit Invader number 6. After some review, here's my theory. I shoot just at the precise moment they drop and move left, therefore the shot looks as if it's going through Invader number 5 and hitting number 6. Btw, I really hope you all understand what I'm saying. If not..dont worry. You're not the first to be confused by me.Anyways, I score a decent 81,710.Total Games: 11Total Points: 1,222,820Btw, if you read yesterdays blog, it was the chili pie.


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