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11/14/15 - Heart and Soul



I've been meaning to create a blog for the past couple of weeks about this. I'm a dreamer. No, not that type of dreamer who sits around and thinks what can be or what I can be doing. I have dreams pretty much each night I sleep. My dreams are in color too, as I've remembered specific colors over the years. But anyway, this blog isn't about the dreams, but every time I wake up for the day, there is some song spinning in my head. I have no idea why songs are in my head. Sometimes if I wake up during my sleep time, and then go back to sleep, there will have been 2 songs. The first time I woke up,and then when I got up. Sometimes the songs are ones I had been singing or heard that day. Other times I may not have heard or thought about it for days, months, or even years. In the past couple of weeks, 2 songs stick in my head that I can remember waking up to. One is Dream On by Aerosmith, which almost seems ironic. The other is Someone Like You by Adele.

This morning I woke up to Heart and Soul by Huey Lewis. I can say this was a suggestion put in my head as I heard the song yesterday on the radio while sitting in the car.

I'll post the next time I wake up to a song. Feel free to comment or even tell the world if this happens to you.


EDIT: 11/19/15 - Decided to add links to the songs so people can listen to what's in my head.


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Being a musician, I'm not surprised there are songs that are always in my head. Sometimes I sing one song over and over and annoy my wife.

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Decided to explain further now that several days have passed and the idea popped into my mind. You may see a big variety and types of songs listed day after day.


I was born in 1970 and when growing up as a boy in the 70s, I had a big influence of music based on what my mother used to purchase on 45s. They were usually the "hot" songs of the week along with country, which I'll listen to some but won't be my choice of radio stations. In this mix of course was the disco age, but not much rock and roll. Lots of upbeat tempos.


In the 1980s when hitting my teenage years, Z100 was my thing and lots of pop, top 10 or 100 for the most part. My brother during the mid to later part of the decade became a metal head. So some heavier rock came into my life like Metallica, Ozzy, Pink Floyd (more mild), and Quiet Riot. Also throw in bands like Bon Jovi, Guns n Roses, and other bands where almost all the guys had long hair, but weren't the heavy rock. Never got into the death metal thing.


In the 1990s, I went towards the classic rock. Mostly 60s and 70s, which is still what I like to listen to most of the time. The Who, Doors, Police, Beatles, AC/DC, Eagles, etc. I am a person who likes songs, usually not bands. Unless of course the band has a lot of songs I like. So add people like Elvis, Billy Joel, and Elton John.


You may see some songs that don't fit into the categories above and are more modern. It won't be necessarily that I like the song, but switching around the radio may have me stop on a station and I hear one that I don't care for, or being in a restaurant or retail store hearing it play on the radio. Sometimes I hate songs and those stick with me even more. Plus being a teacher these past 10 years you hear lots of songs the kids play and sing.


Thanks for reading these each day if you do. At least now you'll have an idea where I'm coming from.



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