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11/15/15 - Because I Love You



Today I woke up to this song. I had to do a search with google and listen on Youtube to see who sang it. The song was Because I Love You by Stevie B.

I've always been big on love songs, and I wouldn't doubt the majority of songs that come into my head would be ballads. I Invite everyone if you never have heard of the songs I list to give them a listen. That is why I put the artist's name. As Nathan pointed out in my 1st entry, there are many versions of the title Heart and Soul.

As a teacher, one method of trying to get the students to remember things is by music. Though math isn't as easy to do as possibly other languages. I can honestly say that at 45 years of age, I know completely, partially, or just even part of a tune 10's of thousands of songs. Again, being a musician helps since I've played many songs besides writing my own.

If you grew up in the 1970s, you'll probably remember School House Rock. They still have dvds of them in stores I believe as I bought them like 15-20 years ago. It was a great method of getting the kids to remember rules for language arts, learn about science and history, and there were even some math ones, though I don't remember seeing those on tv. The first year I started teaching, which is now 10 years ago, I was in a Basic Skills classroom and these same videos were available for the students to watch and try to learn and remember.


EDIT: 11/19/15 - Decided to add links to the songs so people can listen to what's in my head.



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