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Space Invaders...Day 55



Tonight I just let the Invaders finally drop to Earth and win letting me score 62,480.Total Games: 24Total Points: 2,454,565That's such a cool score. Anyways, the reason I just quit playing is I need to say this. Come March 1st, I'm going to stop playing this. I have my reasons and I'll go ahead and say this.I plan on getting married next month. It's a little rush job but here's the situation. My fiance's ex-husband has done/said some major BS that has caused problems and now a custody battle is probably going to happen in the near future. I'd rather not tell details, but that's the main reason why the marriage is going to happen next month (or at least it needs to with what all is going on).Anyways, with that said, I feel as if since I'll be married and have a step-daughter, I'll need to focus more time on them. Well, duh. But even if I did have the time, I just don't think I could play SI. I'll have a wife and a step-child, and qute frankly this is a big step in life. There is nothing wrong with having fun, but with this new change in my life, there is really no point in playing SI every single day either.Also, I feel as if I must say this. I've played at least 1 game everyday since January 1st. To be honest...I'm bored. Not with just SI, but with video games in general. When I lived with my old room mate I played games everyday and enjoyed myself. But living here with a new room mate....I dunno. I think one big thing that opened my eyes was the way things were happening here with my roomie and his 360. He had a talk with his wife obviously and to be honest, he stopped playing and things were going great. But he got back into it and got another attitude tonight. I'm not saying games will do this to me, I'm just saying 1) I've been playing everyday since January 1st and it's just so different now. With my old roomie he'd either join in or watch and I still had fun. We'd talk and eat and whatever while I/we played and we had tons of fun. Here, I don't get that. He shuns older systems and is one of those "must win" people or else he gets pissy. 2) I feel as if though seeing as how I've been playing everyday and doing it by myself in a closed room, video games have become less enjoyable and I feel as if I need a break. I don't need to play a game everyday and need to take a break from them.My work schedule is pooing me as well. 11-8 5 days a week, 40 hours a week. Playing SI doesn't leave me much time to do other things at night after work that I may want to do. So I'm not having as much fun cause I play SI for at least an hour or so everynight and then when I'm done, I'm tired and ready for bed.I dunno. I don't like living here to be honest, work schedule is bugging me, and I've got to much real life drama going on that yes, I really do need to take a break from video games in general and focus more on what's going on and what I can do about it. I'll play a game or two on my days off, that's no problem. But things are piling up and quite frankly it's junk. But that's life ya know?I feel as if I had a very good run on SI. I still have about 4 days left to get some big points going, though I doubt I will. I've accomplished what I wanted to accomplished and I've really enjoyed myself. But now, it's time to focus on what's happening in my life and deal with those problems right now. I've had my fun, but it's time to get serious ladies and gentlemen. I've been told it's rough at first when you first get married...and the sad part is we're not married yet.I'm sorry to let you all down. If things from the ex hadn't flared up, to be honest I'd still be rolling. We would've kept our late summer date for marriage and not worry about rushing to find a place to live and get married and everything (cause this ex deal is one of the biggest reasons why I need to stop playing games for a while). But it's like I said, we're having to rush to find a place to live and all, time is getting shorter, and I need to focus on what's important. I hope you all understand, I hope you all forgive me for letting you down in my SI quest, but I will rise back up when things are settled down and play a few more games here and there and post it on my blog just for you all. Let's make these last four days memorable!


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