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Let's count how many TI 99/4A active users exist in 2016




I was wondering how many active TI 99/4A community members still exist in 2016.


I could not find a simple way of knowing so I thought of having a central dedicated blog entry which we can share with anyone who we know is a TI user and tell them to like this page.


They can then comment on this blog and tell us some details about themselves.


Example: Name, Surname, Age, Country, Year when they first had a TI 99/4A, How many TI 99/4A machines they have, Maybe the entire inventory of TI stuff they have (brag a little), If they use the TI to develop software or play games, if they are just collectors, if they still develop or used to develop, a small personal story related to the machine, etc....



Please do NOT like this page if you are not a TI 99/4A fan.


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