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Home 3-D Printers aren't ready for prime time just yet.



My wife bought me this printer for Christmas: http://www.amazon.com/WER-Mostfun-Structure-Optimized-Platform/dp/B013WHD2OS/ref=cm_rdp_product

The next day, I spent the entire day trying to get this thing to work. This is what I found:
- Instructions are only in Chinese, although I was able to install the software from the pictures they gave
- No 'step-by-step' or 'quick start' instructions on how to get something printing.
- After leveling the 'bed' (I can't tell you how many times), when you start to print, the nozzle is far away from the bed
- I consistently get two types of printing:
1) Where the filament doesn't stick to the bed and the nozzle drags the plastic all around, and
2) Where the filament does stick to the bed, but stretches the plastic to each new location the print head moves to. This causes the print head to leave a plastic line (that isn't supposed to be there), and when it dries the print head gets 'stuck' moving over it which throws off the entire print job.
Either way, I was unsuccessful getting a complete print job.
- Like mentioned above, I spent the whole day leveling the bed, trying new print jobs, even different filaments, and couldn't get one successful print.

So, a few days ago I request a return and a refund. The seller, while being very nice and respectful, asked me to try things I already had numerous times. I told him that I already tried everything he asked, and I would like a refund (2nd time asking). He gets back to me asking to try a few more things. I reply that I have the unit back in the box, and I am not interested in wasting more time trying to get this to work. If the printer requires this much work to even get one (unsuccessful) print, it is unacceptable. Please give me an RMA to send this printer back. (3rd time asking). I get a reply asking to watch a video they will make. I have now gotten Amazon involved, and gave them the whole story.

I have done more research, and while I have found another printer that I would like to get, I'm not so sure I will get another one.
After looking at *many* reviews for other 3-D printers, the above scenario seems like the *norm*, and not the exception.

I'm not interested in wasting days just trying to get a single print job to work. It looks to me like 3-D printing (for the home anyway) is not anywhere near close to being ready yet.


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I feel for you going through all your troubles. I haven't had a chance to play around with 3D printing myself, but I became much more interested after watching the Netflix documentary "Print the Legend".

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The joke goes that 3D printing is the tech of the future... and it will always remain so. I've heard of a lot of experiences like yours. It seems like there's an easier way to get a bunch of globs of goo.


Hopefully Amazon will come through for you on the return. Just be glad you weren't invested in 3D printing stocks (DDD, SYSS, others) this past year. Ouch!

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3D printers require parts to be made with close tolerances and constructed of premium materials. Something manufacturers of these printers do not understand these days. Simply too much cost cutting.


3D printing can and does work in closely monitored production environments.


But you know how it goes, it was hyped to all hell and back. And when that happens you know, just know, that you're getting in on something someone wants to become "big" and pervasive throughout the industry. Yet it is still in its infancy.


It was kind of like that with Digital Cameras and SSD. First now digital cameras are coming into their own. And SSD has another year to go.


It's like that with anything "tech". You get vocal loudmouthed evangelists singing the praises of whatever it is they're pitching and you're left holding the bag. Remember 3D TV?? What became of that?


The only two major advances worthy of television are increased resolution and refresh rates. Everything else is hype.

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Yeah, I know about the hype thing, I've been involved in tech for almost 35 years now. I just thought (for some reason) we were past that part with this. :( 3D printing has been out for a few years now. I guess it's because I've seen the results of the 'professional' printers and applied that to the 'home' versions (silly me - I should know better). :-/


Anyway, I hope things progress quickly, as I love the idea of printing my own parts for things. :)


Thanks guys!


BTW, the printer is on it's way back. I go the return authorization from Amazon. :)

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