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Space Invaders...Day 59



Such a sad day today. Tis my last day on my hopeful quest I once had. But as they say, whoever "they" are, all good things must come to an end. For those who don't know, I've got alot of stuff going on with my life now that I need to focus my time with it than playing this great game. And when I say alot of stuff, yeah, I mean it. Looking back, I'll say there were nights I really didn't want to play. But I went ahead and played a game and got some points. It's like I said, I really enjoyed doing this, though. From someone who couldn't even roll the game a few months back, to score over 230k on February 1st, I've come such a long way!I've seen things on the game that I never knew to look for, and I did a few things that were hard (especially one that I thought was impossible, but I did it!). What can I say, I got pretty good at it, not trying to brag. I especially got good at dodging shots to where I knew exactly where to sit and have a shot just almost touch me. Yeah, took some time, but I figured out where I was in danger and where I wasn't. And if I never said it, the only thing I don't like about this game is the first 3 stages....cause I hate those shields!Reading a few back, I recall saying I would take a break from gaming. Well, I lied. I'm not going to be as hardcore as I used to I'll say that, but in a sense I feel I still need to play them. It helps keep the stress down and it helps sometimes get my mind off of things when things get bad. So since I'm not going to be playing SI everyday now, you may wonder what the future may hold for the Atari and me. Well, for one, I WILL NOT give up SI. I've come to far and got too good to let my talent go to waste that I built up. It'll kick on here and there, but I just can't play it like I have been. I do expect to see some more Berzerk action going on if there are any fans out there of this game that read my blog.I will say this....today we filled out paperwork for an apartment. We have to wait a few days to see if we get accepted. If any of you pray please include us in there...we REALLY NEED this apartment! It is really nice too! If we get accepted I plan on doing some moving ASAP....I'm really tired of living where I'm at. I won't be online for quite a while either once we move.....electricity, water and needed supplies for the apartment (furnishings and all) are a first come thing. We'll worry about cable and the internet later.Now that I'm not doing my SI everyday, I guess I've got more time to plan for what's coming up. We've got so much stuff going on in our lives, you wouldn't believe it. But hey, got to deal with it all one at a time. More time and more energy being focused on life and it's problems is a good thing.I would now like to take this time and personally thank everyone who has read my blog. Whether or not you enjoyed it, that's your deal. I'm just happy you all took time to see what was going on with SI and me. I would also like to thank all the people who posted comments. There weren't many, but I enjoyed seeing them when I got them. I'm really happy that someone with a screen name of SpaceInvader sent me a comment! You're my favorite person on this website just cause of you're screen name :). Btw, if anyone would like to play a game against me on SI, just send a PM or whatever, lemme know that you'd like to challenge me, and if I've got time I'll play a game. Tell me your score and I'll post mine on the blog (no lying either...that goes for all you and me).Tonight I scored 50,230. I feel like I'm getting sick...again! If I am, this time I'm going to the doctor...cause something isn't right!Total Games: 28Total Points: 2,655,975Hmm....why not!?Average score: 94,856.25See now that's what I'm talking about. Would be higher if I would've played this last few days and not stop at 50k....but hey, I know how good I am :P. Since I'm off tomorrow as well and I'll probably have time, I might toss in a game of Berzerk. If I do, I might post about it on my blog. But once Thursday hits, it's go go go with the business of life. Thank you all once again, and keep those Atari systems warm with love....wait a minute.....that didn't sound right....

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"I'm really happy that someone with a screen name of SpaceInvader sent me a comment! You're my favorite person on this website just cause of you're screen name "


How nice of you to say so... and btw.. I love SI and enjoy the game but would NEVER challenge you... I think you could possibly be the worlds leading SI player... only a fool... or an alien would be dumb enough to take that challenge... HEE HEE!! :)


I guess it's good your taking a break from hardcore gaming to find a place to live and to take care of your life... those things to seem to pile up... I know there have been days I put off doing things for the love of "just one more game"... LOL..


It seems that your having some hard times right now... thats the way it goes sometimes... but looking back over my own stuff.. i have found that "this too shall pass.." there have been MAJOR problems in my life.. that once there done.. I look back now and go.. wow.. that was nothing compared to the crap I'm dealing iwth now... You just have to make the best of it.. learn as you go.. and take the best with you... I have tried not to let other peoples words or actions make me bitter... Life is too short.. and the stress isnt worth the energy... Just free advise...


So, keep us all posted on your girl, your apartment, and of course saving the universe...

Hope your feeling better..


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