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Got an apartment!



Well great news! We got approved for the apartment and our lease starts Monday. So I'm moving out ASAP! This also means in about 2 weeks we'll be getting married! So I'm excited.But as for the bad news. I've got to tell my dad this stuff. Now, he'll probably be all happy and stuff about the above, HOWEVER I have to tell him about my soon step-daughter. I'm nervous cause I have a feeling he's going to give me every reason NOT TO marry her and blah blah. I just hate hearing him chewing me out. Really there's nothing he can do, I just get tired of his chewing out. He hasn't done it in a while cause I've had no reason for him to, but this will do it probably. So he may call tonight or tomorrow and hear what I've got to say. I'm just hoping/praying he'll not complain about the step-daughter and accept the fact I'm with someone who makes me happy.I've got a line I'm going to say so hopefully he'll hear me out about her and let me finish before he starts (if he does). So cross your fingers or whatever and hope I can get through his chewing out. I'l let ya know what's going on tomorrow if it happens.

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Congrats on the apartment and the new fam. I don't know how your Dad will react, but just keep in mind that parents only want what is best for their kids (even if they don't always know what that is! :cool: ) Good luck with your new life, and remember not to ever let that Atari get too dusty!



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