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Doubleshot of Speed



I'm not sure how widespread SDA is, but it is a website full of videos of various nerds beating video games really fast. I am one of those nerds. Please watch my two newest additions, Kid Icarus and Contra. If you think you know stuff about Kid Icarus, you probably don't know as much as me, so please read my comments to understand why I did what I did. Enjoy!


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So unlike the other link you gave some time ago, these are unedited "live" recordings?


Uh... I'm not sure which link you're referring to, but these were definitely made without emulators (i.e. "live"). I plugged my NES into a VCR, shipped it to a guy who compresses the VHS to a digital format, who then uploads it to Radix, who runs SDA, who uploads it to the server. If you're referring to the SGnG link I gave you a while ago, that was also a legit run on a console, i.e. no emulators, savestates, or slow-motion.


For more information on the emulated runs, go to NESVideos and read this page. There's a lot of bad blood between the so-called "emu-rapists" and legitimate console runners. I'm not one of those bigots; I don't really care either way as long as the differences are out in the open. In the past, several people have tried to pass off the emulated runs as legitimate runs; most recently there was a 47-minute Super Metroid 100% run that surfaced at TG, I think. It was quickly shot down.


Google Video has been kind of a double-edged sword, as people are uploading avi's of TASs and not giving any indication that its emulated. Luckily, people from both communities are getting more and more careful about making sure every run in the public domain is clearly labeled as either emulated or legit. Some noble people at Bisqwit's site have been sifting through Google video and putting identification on all the TASs. See here for details.


Read this for information on the rules of SDA.

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Just watched both videos; nice. :cool:




Room for improvement, though... :)





EDIT: What's up next? How about a Buck Rogers (Genny) run? I'll loan you Joe's Soulfood 76 CD :D

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Room for improvement, though... :cool:

Not really; I'm perfect... Seriously, though, Contra could be improved by maybe 15 seconds, and Kid Icarus by 2-3 minutes, tops. But only some kind of crazy sadistic nut would want to play Kid Icarus enough to beat my time. I know I don't want to play it anymore (at least for speed, anyway).

EDIT: What's up next?  How about a Buck Rogers (Genny) run?

Honestly, I actually considered it. But I'm having fun with Zelda 2 now.

I'll loan you Joe's Soulfood 76 CD :)

I have no idea what this means. What the heck is Soulfood 76?

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I'll loan you Joe's Soulfood 76 CD :cool:

I have no idea what this means. What the heck is Soulfood 76?

C'mon, seriously?




It's a CD that Joe bought (I have since, er, appropriated it) that has this funky, 70s vibe. It's pretty awesome. Anyway, everytime I played Buck Rogers I listened to that CD over and over again - the two are permanently linked in my mind. I know that you sat there with me for part of the time watching me play that and listening with me. :)


EDIT: And does that mean that Zelda II is next on your list? No one has run that yet?

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It's pretty impressive, yes.

Thanks. :cool:




It's a CD that Joe bought (I have since, er, appropriated it) that has this funky, 70s vibe.  It's pretty awesome.  Anyway, everytime I played Buck Rogers I listened to that CD over and over again - the two are permanently linked in my mind.  I know that you sat there with me for part of the time watching me play that and listening with me.  :)

Doesn't ring a bell. Maybe if I heard it.

EDIT: And does that mean that Zelda II is next on your list?  No one has run that yet?

Zelda 2 has been run before, but that record has since been broken by about 11 minutes: TG Record. And since I don't like TG, I want the record to be at SDA. Also, the current run has a lot of mistakes, like dying in inopportune places. I don't know if I'll go through with it; so far I've made it through Death Mountain without dying only once.

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What's "Death Mountain"?


Hmmmm...how long is the record - an hour? Maybe I'll try my hand at a speed run.


EDIT: Though, personally, using Up+A to teleport out of places is weak, as is death abuse. But, whatev.

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What's "Death Mountain"?


EDIT: Though, personally, using Up+A to teleport out of places is weak, as is death abuse.  But, whatev.

My plan, which admittedly will most likely never come to fruition, is to beat the TG record (with or without the candle), and then record a run without dying or Up+A, since I also hate dying (I mean, who doesn't?).

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