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Where have the past 2 days gone??? I spent half the day yesterday doing drug and background check for my new job.. and getting a tour of the stations.... Hopefully, they will have all my employee paperwork ready so I can start next week... but between now and then... I have a zillion things to do and can't seem to get any of them done... RRGGHH!!!! :razz: hate days like that... I had planned to build a bonfire in the grove and clean it up a bit today, but it's windy... fire and wind.. not the best combo... :| so that will have to wait... :| Seems like everything I try to accomplish the past two days there is a reason I cant get it done, or have to complete other steps before I can get to it... This has left little time for play! :x So, I guess I'm just sitting here complaining and wasting more time... :roll: I better go try and act busy... Until next post.. SI

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