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emp_proper_hl2.zip :cool: Soooo.. it's the weekend.. well almost... I've got a ton of things I am SUPPOSED to be doing... but can think of lots of fun things I'd RATHER be doing.. Like playing Rainbow SI.... Still havent tried it... but I will sometime this weekend I am sure... or going to the beach (it's gonna be mid 80's all weekend!), or hitting up 2nd hand stores for more Atari stuff... Oh the possiblities... :D HOWEVER.... :| I've got out of town guests coming to visit next weekend... so, I need to get ready for that... My family hasnt seen my new place. I moved from West Palm to Jax in August. I went back and saw my family for 2 days at Christmas time.. but it will be nice to have them up here. I also start my new job on Monday.... So, I guess I should try to get organized for that too... I've enjoyed the little break from work.. but missed the paycheck.. LOL Well.. I might as well get started... Look out beach here I come!!!... Oh wait.. I mean... where did I hide my vacuum cleaner?? Maybe thats it under that huge pile of laundry.. ;) Later(Photo is the creek I live on)


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That's a nice view where you live. Do you have to move for your new job?


Thanks... no i just moved here about 6 months ago... for my last job.. after i worked for them for 4 months, they had huge company cuts and my job was one that went... so now I found a new job here in Jacksonville... It's a bit of a drive.. but coming home to my "oasis" will be worth it.. I live right on the creek in an orange grove... it's awsome.. I'll post more photos in the upcoming days...


I have more fruit then anyone can use.. so if anyone's ever in the neighborhhood stop by and load up your car... :cool:


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That's a nice view where you live. Do you have to move for your new job?


Thanks... no i just moved here about 6 months ago... for my last job.. after i worked for them for 4 months, they had huge company cuts and my job was one that went... so now I found a new job here in Jacksonville... It's a bit of a drive.. but coming home to my "oasis" will be worth it.. I live right on the creek in an orange grove... it's awsome.. I'll post more photos in the upcoming days...


I have more fruit then anyone can use.. so if anyone's ever in the neighborhhood stop by and load up your car... :thumbsup:



That is awesome. I was looking for an oasis myself and was planning on hunting this month...but thanks to the Merger I think I will hold off awhile. It's all good though, just means the down payment will be all the sweeter.

Hmmm next time make sure you are in the picture!


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