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RealSports Curling

Ryan Witmer


As usual, real life and other projects have been slowing me down a bit, but I finally got the shooting mechanisms in place.

RealSports Curling, December 13th, 2016

All three elements of the shot selection are in this screenshot, although the look of them is of course subject to change.

The first step in shooting is aiming at a point on the hogline. This is what that remains of that little arrow are to the left of the line. I don't have the code in to clean up the cursor yet, so the rock just plows through and erases it.

After setting your aim, you choose the weight of the shot. This is that red gauge above the hack.

Once the weight is set, the rock begins traveling toward the line. At this point you set the curl and release the shot. The curl gauge is that ugly thing to the right of the hogline.

Once the shot is released, you will be able to sweep it with REAL ANALOG CONTROL. I'm trying really hard not to break anyone's precious 5200 sticks with this, I swear.

Presently, there's no boundary checking and no ice friction, so the rock just keeps moving, cruising off into various memory regions until it eventually hits the ANTIC display list and totally corrupts the screen.

My next goal is to get scrolling working. The bottom area should scroll right with the shot until it reaches the rings. I'll have lots of crazy player/missile manipulations to figure out for this, should be interesting.
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