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I'd rather be playing...



So, I planned on getting out in the gorgeous sunshine today... visit some clients... go to the beach .. anything but being stuck inside....

But, my boss decided that today was a great day to stay indoors and do a sales blitz....


So here I am mid-week... Hump-day such a blah day of the whole week?? not as bad as Monday... urghhh!!! when all i want to do is sleep in... but not as great as Saturday when I can play...

I think the world should go to a 2 day work week and 5 day weekend... okay... to be fair to my boss and to actually get anything accomplished... alternate 3 days on 4 days off... and then 4 days on and 3 days off.... thats fair dont you think??? Either that or maybe I'll win the lottery! Got a ticket for tonights drawing... If I win I'll just buy the company.. and direct the show FROM THE BEACH!! LOL..


Anyway... here is a pic of me on my birthday (November) at the zoo... I'd much rather be there then stuck here at work...

Oh well, maybe this weekend... and yeah, the paycheck is nice at the end of the week.. so back to the blitz!

Wish me luck!


Hope some of you are getting to play...


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Hoping on the lottery here as well, as they're offering another 3.000 World Cup tickets this saturday once again :evil:


In Bavaria? Didnt know they even had a lotto




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Wow thats a great picture. At first I thought maybe you distracted your boss long enough to sneak out but now I see it's an old pic. *sigh* Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty of nice days coming up here shortly. Just call in sick the day after you make a big sale.

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Hoping on the lottery here as well, as they're offering another 3.000 World Cup tickets this saturday once again ;)

In Bavaria? Didnt know they even had a lotto


Hm... actually you're right, we don't have a separate one of our own, so I was refering to the German lottery ;)


What we do have though is the "Staatliche Bayerische Losbrieflotterie", but I've no clue how to translate that ;)


It's an instant lottery with winning and non-winning game tickets, of the "losbrief" type. No clue how to translate that either ;)


When you open it, it either says "We're Sorry" or stuff like "You win 1 Euro or another free ticket". There's rumours it also occassionally says stuff like "You win 5 Euro" or even more (up to 50.000 I think), but I've never seen one of those :evil:

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"Staatliche Bayerische Losbrieflotterie"

Seems to translate as, "National Bavarian postcard lottery" (Does this make any sense?)

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Hm... not really ;)


Losbrief is an amalgam of "Los" and "Brief". Los may be translated "Lot" in english (not 100% sure) and Brief in that context maybe as "Envelope"


Maybe it would translate into "National Bavarian enveloped lot lottery" or something like that... :evil:

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I didnt win the lotto as you may have guessed.... There's always next week... :_( Hope your Bravarian ticket was better... We have scratch off tickets here too... My mom won $250 dollars last month with one! I dont play very often but when I do, I usually get the free ticket one... and the free ticket ends up being a dud.... hee hee...


Speaking of Bravarian .... got any good pastry you can send?

I'm in need of a coffee break..... :_(



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Oha... I fear any pretzels or else I could send would come in way too late :_(

Hmmm.. true true.... But, I could have in next week on break... LOL.... :_(

Thanks anyway

Have a great weekend...

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