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ha ha!



Kara: 1 Paddles:0after countless failed attempts i managed to fix my (and robot's) set of paddles. They are now jitter-free. i'd call him now and tell him, but i doubt he'd be that excited. he's not very excitable. I wish I hadn't given him Pitfall! to play, he doesn't like it and now i'm in the mood to play it. (We bought a lot of games/controllers off of ebay so we share.)AP psych test went okay. i can't discuss any of it or the AP test police will get me and i'll get a class one felony slapped on my record. I hope I get a passing score, it's going directly to my future college.. and sending them a bad score is not that great of an idea.I wanna get a picture of me posing with all my systems and games like a mother posing with her octuplets. go panda racer, go!


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