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Been a while



It has been too long since I posted here.


Well, I got a new schedule at work...instead of 11-8 it's now 1-10. That's good and bad. At least I have some time to do stuff now.


My wife is going to start babysitting again. She hasn't for a while cause the daddy of the children was jobless and she figured it wasn't right to watch the children and take money that they need to buy food and all while he doesn't have a job. Apparently he does now so that's that.


My step-daughter REALLY enjoys AquaMarine on the FB2. I busted out the 2600 to let her try but she wasn't really into it as much. That wasn't cool, but hey, at least I got her enjoying something Atari!


I haven't played SI in a very long time and I really need to. It's going to be hard to do anything once she starts babysitting again. It's a 3 year old and a 4 or 5 month old...they come here about 9ish....yeah. Considering the 3 year WON'T listen and my wife says we can't discipline her, then she just has to do whatever. (Hey, it's OUR apartment, if she needs a spanking I'll give her one :P). So we just have to raise our voice to her and all. Well, there goes the peace and quite again :(.


Other than that, life is still the same I guess. I haven't bought any Atari games in a while. I decided to complete the N-Gage collection since it has a small library. I really enjoy playing it...don't see why everyone bashes it. Btw, two games I SHOULD be getting today are: Atari Masterpiece Vol 1 AND 2! Atari on the go is two thumbs way up in my book :D


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