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Revision 2018

Thomas Jentzsch


After participating in 2015 myself and therefore starting to watch it for the first time, the Revision demoparty has become a fixed date in my schedule. So I did spend Eastern watching the Revision 2018 via Twitch live stream (and YouTube for the too late events).

And it was a blast again! Not all compos, but most of them. Besides the Oldschool compos, I mostly liked the ones where size is limited.

If you want to watch any compo relive, go here. Please note that the entries are ordered by the organizers, so the best stuff comes towards the end. However I urge you to watch them in order, because that builds up the tension and surprise best.

The results (plus all results of the previous years and much, much more from the demoscene) can be found e.g. here. Most entries already have their own YouTube links already or soon, especially the best ones.

If you don't want to research yourself, here are (not only) my top entries. Since the Oldschool compos are a must anyway if you are interested, I will only list the most impressing PC demos, because those should not be missed too. Please watch each category in its order! And switch quality to the maximum!

PC 64K

  • #3: Party Gipfeler
  • #2: Transphosphorylation
  • #1: When Silence Dims The Stars Above (I have become a fan of Conspiray, this is the last part of a series, lookup their older demos!)


  • #3: Emnor
  • #2: Unmaintained
  • #1: One Of Those Days

PC 4K (that's Pitfall! size)

  • #3: The Explorer
  • #2: Zetsubo
  • #1: Oscar's Chair

Wild, 256 Bytes (yes, bytes!)

  • #9 Fat Free Cheese
  • #2 Killed by 00256
  • #1: [R]evolver

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