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Midwest Classic stuff

Nathan Strum


Man... what a couple of weeks.


Things have calmed down though, and the last couple of days I've been cranking out stuff to try and get it done for the Midwest Gaming Classic.


I can't go to the show, because, well, it's about umpteen-hundred miles "that way" (pointing in a vaguely Easterly direction). It'd be fun, but it just won't happen.


But I'll be "represented" there anyway. I just finished up three labels for the show (Four-Play demo, Conquest of Mars and another one which Albert hasn't announced yet... ahem... :roll: ) and did some additional work on one game's manual, and I still have to create a manual for Cav... er... Conquest of Mars. Probably going to be a long night or two finishing that one up. Fortunately, John has all the text written and basically laid out, so that will help. The label turned out spiffy, I think.


So to everyone who is going...


...fine! Just go ahead and have fun without me. (sniff)


I can find lots of things to do.





Ooo look... string!


(But if anyone finds decent boxes for 2600 Tron Deadly Discs and Adventures of Tron, and they don't cost an arm and a leg, could you snag 'em for me? I'm good for it. Thanks! :) )


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Forgot about that... and the LadyBug graphics as well.


How is C7 coming along? I haven't seen anything about it since the title screen was finished.

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Unfortunately that is still the current version :)


I had hoped to get some more done for MGC, but I was on a business trip most of last week. Also I'm unsure wether I should seriously start working on it right now, since I'll have a definite break again during the WC ;)

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You're doing a Four-Play demo label for the Midwest Gaming Classic? How will it compare to the release version you've been working on? I find that interesting because in the past, Albert has made text labels for event demos.

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It's identical. I just wanted to tweak a couple of the faces and make a couple of other minor adjustments to it. It doesn't say "demo" or anything. For all intents and purposes, it's the release version of the label (he's only printing up one for the show, as far as I know).


I think it's just because the artwork was already 99% done that he's going with that as opposed to a text-only label. (He did that previously with the demo version of RPS, too.)

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It's identical. I just wanted to tweak a couple of the faces and make a couple of other minor adjustments to it. It doesn't say "demo" or anything. For all intents and purposes, it's the release version of the label (he's only printing up one for the show, as far as I know).


I think it's just because the artwork was already 99% done that he's going with that as opposed to a text-only label. (He did that previously with the demo version of RPS, too.)

If it's not too late, I think it's a good idea to add a little something to the label to make it distinguishalble from a release version.
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The best thing would be to just have Albert write "Demo Version" across it with a Sharpie, at this point. I think there's only going to be one demo cart, and it's just for the show. I'm sure it's printed and on the cart by now.

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Well... the Conquest of Mars manual is done, and I was right, it was a couple of long nights. I finally went to bed after 7:00 AM. :)


But I think Albert should be set for the show now, and the manual came out looking pretty good. John likes it - so that's what's important. It wouldn't be a lot of fun to lay out a 16 page manual, and have to re-do the whole thing. ;)

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another one which Albert hasn't announced yet...
I guess you mean Rainbow Invaders, unless there is another unannounced project out there. Anyway, congratulations on your winning label. :)
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I had hoped to get some more done for MGC, but I was on a business trip most of last week. Also I'm unsure wether I should seriously start working on it right now, since I'll have a definite break again during the WC :)


Yeah, I sometimes do coding while I'm in the WC, too. Aren't laptops great? ;)

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I guess you mean Rainbow Invaders, unless there is another unannounced project out there. Anyway, congratulations on your winning label. :)



That was the one. The game was announced, but not the label. I was told last week, so I could make a couple of changes to it, and add some artwork to Tony Morse's manual in time for MGC. Not sure why the official announcement took so long, but I know Albert's been absolutely swamped getting ready for the show.

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Hi Nathan!


Just thought to tell you that your Conquest of Mars label is one of your best works ever! It must've been residing in a blind spot somehow, because it was just today that I had a first full glory look at it in the store. Excellent :D

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Thanks, Manuel! It was fun to work on. A little different than what I ususally do, but that's one of the reasons I like working on game labels - it gives me a chance to try new stuff. :D

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