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AdvII XE testing



I'm putting the final touches on this long delayed project., so here is the first summer '19 status report. I tested on my real XEGS hardware to ensure no game-ruining bugs!     Didn't find any!  Although that ranking seems too high based on how many times I got devoured and how many minutes I took to beat it ...  


I take notes of which variation I play , the end stats, and the ranking given. I'll review them after a few weeks and see if I need to tweak the rankings logic. It's not a big deal, but you don't want to see the same ranking all the time regardless of how well your game went, right? 


I made the game a bit more joystick-driven than it had been.  You can pick all the options on the Title Screen using the joystick and button now, and when you are eaten, you can revive by pressing the Joystick button.  Previously I had mapped the "R" key to the revive/respawn function,  but I was tired of getting up from my reclining sofa and using the clunky XEGS clip-on keyboard all the time! So now I can sit back and play Adventure II XE for hours and not need to get up.  To Pause ore reset completely, you still gotta use the keyboard or console buttons though.    That is one huge advantage of 5200 gaming, you have all the needed commands at your fingertips using the CX52 controller.  


I also experimented with some color changes. Some have complained that the Gold Key and the Green Key are hard to distinguish from one another. This is true, depending on what color is the background image that each key is sitting overtop.  Plus, the keys are tiny so color bleed on the overall image is worse than with the bigger images like the Chalice.   But my eyes can still distinguish the difference.   I tried different hues and luminosity settings but I was reminded once again WHY I chose those colors in the original 5200 version -- the items need to be bright and a different hue from the many background graphics across 4 kingdoms.  Changing colors started to bring back the old "blending-in" issue .    


But I did decide to tweak some background screen colors.  I tested my new colors and they looked great on a real TV; now I have to change them for the proper screens in-code and recompile everything. Some of these include files, like the ADV2COLR.TXT one with the screen colors, I haven't changed since about 2006!  The thing is, these are compressed into INCLUDE files which are decompressed into RAM at boot-up. I forgot the compression steps completely, had to search out old notes to re-learn it.   


Thanks for reading, 






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Looks great, thanks for the update!  I see you're using an XEGS there.  Do you need the keyboard at all with the XEGS or can you get away with just having the joystick and access to the big buttons on the console?

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You don't need the keyboard to play the game.   In fact, now that you mention it, I think I'll change one more thing so that OPTION will pause the game (as well as the "P" key as-is now).  SELECT quits the current game, sending you first to the Game Over rankings screen, then back to the Title screen.    This change will make the game even more XEGS-friendly.  (the XL's of course always have their keyboards available). 

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That's a great idea!  Would be nice to show this off at PRGE this year, and it'd be nice to use an XEGS over an 800XL (or 130XE or 800).  Easier for people to figure out, pick up the game and start playing.  Now all I need to do is track down my XEGS systems and test them!



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Sounds like a great idea to me!  Dig out that banner showing off the box art!   Hook it up to a 70" flatscreen!  ;) 

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I updated Option to be pause, but it wasn’t as easy as I’d have thought. I had to review how the CONSOL register works again, plus Perry when he ported this had plugged into my old 5200 logic which used asterisk and hash keys logic.  I started to comment-out supposedly unneeded code, to disastrous result! Works now, though. So all functions are capable using joystick and console buttons. 


Now back to Sounds work! 

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