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So, this evening I was taking a shower, and afterwards, as I shaved, my mind wandered to the people who complain if you leave the water running when you shave or brush your teeth. A thought suddenly occured to me. These are the same people who think that the only socially responsible alternative is to sell your Prius for a recumbant bicycle, because if we give up all of our fossil fuel burning vehicles, that will certainly stop the foreward march of global warming. So, I should conserve water, even though the polar icecaps are melting and will soon be sending billions of gallons of previously locked up and inaccessible water into our ecosystem, so much so that our global coastlines will be redefined.


And that drove me into a ranting lunatic rage. Damnit... one or the other, people. Listen, if Kevin Costner stars in a film, you can be sure of one thing... there is no basis in fact for the plot-line. We're not going to be dying for a sip of fresh-water on a planet covered in salt-water ocean.


And listen, the other side is just as bad... pro-life and pro-death penalty. Pick a position, and be consistent. But, the frustrating thing is that most of the tree-hugging "if it is yellow, let it mellow, if it is brown, flush it down" people (aside from making stupid poems to justify their gross conservation techniques) are college graduates. You can blame Republican/Conservative ignorance on a larger body of individuals without a higher education. So, when they don't show critical thinking skills, it is kind of forgivable. But what about the democrats/liberals? This morally and ecologically responsible party is supposed to consist of college educated individuals who have refined their critical thinking skills beyond the ability and scope of the common public, and certainly beyond that of their Republican counterparts. So why can't they figure out that if the polar icecaps are melting, that I can let that toilet drip for the rest of my days and it isn't going to cause a problem for the world? People are dying of thirst in certain nations? Well, that is because they decided to live in the middle of God-forsaken wastelands. My toilet dripping or not dripping is NOT going to put water in their mouths. So you get to pick ONE... either get off my back about keeping my old 10 gallon tank toilet when I remodeled the house(because the only Low Water tanks that don't clog on MY logs are the $1000 jet-assisted turbo toilets) or get off my back about my V8 full sized truck that I normally use to transport myself and maybe my daughter around, even for short trips down to the Post Office a few blocks away. One or the other. I'll let you pick. But you can't have it both ways.


So I leisurely brushed my teeth and shaved with the water running, then flushed the toilet, three times, just to be spiteful. Right now I'm sitting in my V-8 truck, with the engine idling, the AC cranked, and the windows down, writing this on my laptop computer. I wish there was spotted owl nesting in my tree, because I swear, I'd get out my 9mm and blast the little bastard into down-filling. Of course, then they would use that as another reason to justify taking hand-guns away from common citizens.


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