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UPDATED: Psystem on the Geneve, a short tutorial and bug list



Psystem for Geneve short beginners guide tutorial


Note: this has been updated with new information.

My initial response to the Geneve Psystem was don't expect much. After working with it some more I have upgraded it to, it works OK but still has a few bugs that really make using it difficult. Some of these bugs are things like no visible cursor and this is a big one. It makes editing a file very, very hard since you never know where the cursor is. Another is only the left arrow key works. makes moving around in Editor tough. Another, there is no known documentation for the psystem. This is an issue since there are some unexplained differences between the p-card and the psystem. And finally not all p-card programs run on the psystem. The main system files run, well enough, but programs like the freeform spreadsheet, pilot programming language and a lot of the user created programs won't run at all. Oh and the Geneve Psystem is actually slightly slower than the P-Card on the TI99. Still, it does work well enough and is usable, if you want to ignore some of the bugs.

So, to help you along in the world of geneve psystem (and the p-card for that matter) here is a short tutorial. Use the files included in the post with the tutorial. I created an PSYS.HD that can be attached to the MAME/MESS package I created in an earlier post 'MESS/MAME Geneve 9640 update’.


Now the tutorial:

Starting the system

If you setup in MAME/MESS the PSYS.HD as the 3rd HD it'll show up as HDS3 or G: in the Geneve.

Start Geneve and navigate to G:\PSYS.

You'll find in PSYS directory:

a directory called VOLS

a batch file called RUNMAIN

a TIBASIC file called MKVOL (more on that later)

and an executable called PSYSTEM (this is the program that runs the whole show)

You will be starting the batch file RUNMAIN to start the Psystem.


side note: in the RUNMAIN batch are the commands:

PSYS ON (this turns on the psystem)


(this commands PSYSTEM to load volume 1 as MAIN. If you wanted to access DSK1 you would have DSK1. In the place of ..MAIN)


Now that the Psystem has started to the main menu

once you have executed the batch RUNMAIN the fun begins.

when all the initialization is complete you are presented with the MAIN MENU at the top of the screen. It looks something like this:

Command: E(dit, R(un, F(ile, C(omp, L(ink, X(ecute, A(ssm [IV2.2 R1.0]

if you press the ? key it will rotate to the next list of menu choices:

D(ebug, H(alt, I(nitialize, U(ser restart, M(onitor

press the ? again gets you the final menus choices.

S(et +(Tutorial (I haven’t figured out if Tutorial even works.) You will also see a reference to Help. There is no Help for you.

again with the ? just rotates back to the 1st menu.

Now I'm going to just go over the more useful menu commands here.

F)ile – this is the file manager. It’s the next section.

E)dit - this starts the editor. I'll go over in more detail in a little bit.

C)omp – this is the Pascal compiler.

X)ecute – this runs the other programs not on the main menu (.CODE files) as well as the Pascal program you can create using the editor and the compiler.

H)alt – this ends the psystem session and returns you back to Geneve.

I)nitialize and U)ser restart – these restart the psystem.



File is the file manger. But before we get to working with the file manager we need to get some of the basics of how files and volumes work in psystem.

The psystem holds it’s data, programs and everything in files called volumes on the Geneve (and the TI99 for that matter). In the batch program RUNMAIN the PSYSTEM command has a file to the right of it; HDS3.PSYS.VOLS.MAIN. The file MAIN is the main volume that hold all the system files and all the other files for the Psystem. It's kinda like .DSK file in MAME. As of now, there is no way to read or alter it outside of using P-Card or the Psystem.

Each volume has an internal volume name. In this case MAIN volume name is (oddly enough) MAIN.

The volumes are also associated with a device number. The 1st drive is device #4, 2nd drive device #5 and 3rd device #9, etc...

In fact, everything in the psystem has a device number associated with it:

Number    NAME:       Description

#1 CONSOLE: Keyboard and display with echo

#2 SYSTERM: Keyboard and display without echo

#4 (diskette name): 1st disk drive

#5 (diskette name): 2nd disk drive

#6 PRINTER: 9600 baud RS232 input/output

#7 REMIN: 300 baud RS232 input

#8 REMOUT: 300 baud RS232 output

#9 (diskette name): 3rd disk drive

#10 (diskette name): 4th disk drive

#11 (diskette name): 5th disk drive

#12 (diskette name): 6rd disk drive

#14 OS: Operating System

#31 TAPE: Audio cassette tape

#32 TP: Solid State Thermal Printer


As you can see you can have up to 6 volumes attached at once. Nice since sub-directories are not allowed on the psystem files structure.


In the volumes are files and there are three types of files that the psystem recognizes: SYSTEM., .TEXT, .CODE.

SYSTEM. files are just that, system files that run the psystem. These files start the name out with SYSTEM.(whatever) Examples of these files are SYSTEM.LIBRARY, SYSTEM.FILER, SYSTEM.MISCINFO etc…

.TEXT files are, well, text files. These files have the extension of .TEXT, examples off this MAIN volume is HELLO.TEXT which is the source code for a little test Pascal program I created called HELLO.

.CODE are the other executables other than the SYSTEM files. They can also be compiled programs you create using the Pascal Compiler. Examples are PATCH.CODE, LIBRARY.CODE etc…

In reality you can name your files whatever you like, it’s just that the psystem may not recognize them.


Now back to the F)ile file manager.


Once F)ile has started you are given a new menu.

Filer: L(dir, R(em, C(hng, T(rans, D(ate, Q(uit, B(ad-blks, E(xt-dir

? for next menu

K(rnch, M(ake, P(refix, V(ols, X(amine, Z(ero

? and the rest. Again, I’m just explaining the most used or important.


L(dir is the directory (Listing?) program that shows you the files in a volume.

Dir listing of what vol ? Is the prompt. I have found typing the device number for the volume you want to view is easiest. If you want to refer to the Main volume you can refer to it with *. Example: To view the contents of the Main Volume (usually #4) just use a *. When referring to other volumes in Dir listing use the volume number. #5 will display the contents of whatever volume is secondly attached in 2 nicely formatted columns. just remember there isn't a flashing, or otherwise see-able, cursor when typing. Also, if you type in something incorrect you MIGHT, be able to correct it by pressing ctrl-right arrow which will back you up. Of course you will just have to start typing since there will be no visible cursor and hope for the best you are where you want to be. Even then, sometimes it'll still give you an error. Best, if you make a mistake, press Enter and start over. 


E(xt-dir gives a detailed directory of the volume. It only single column but shows more info about the files.


T(rans is the copy utility. Don’t be confused with the program saying it’s a Transfer utility. It doesn’t actually move the files just copies them.

The utility is in two prompts:

Transfer what file? - type in the volume number or volume name the : then the file name. = can be used as a wildcard. Ex: #4:HELLO.TEXT

To Where? Type in location as above with the new device number : file name. You MUST type in the full name as location too.


copy HELLO.TEXT from #4 to #5

Transfer what file? #4:hello.text

To Where? #5:hello.text

that will copy HELLO.TEXT from MAIN (#4) to WF(#5) volumes.

Now say you wanted to copy all SYSTEM. Files from #4 to #5.

Transfer what file? #4:system.= (= is wildcard)

To Where? #5: system.= (notice you have to type in the full name again with wildcard)

this will copy all the SYSTEM files from #4 to #5.


C(hng : is the file rename utility. Best not to try use wildcards with this. Format to type in file names like L(dir.


R(em : is file delete utility. It’s like the C(hng utility except it deletes files. You can use wildcards with this just be careful.


B(ad-blks : this checks for bad blocks in the file structure. It doesn’t actually do anything about bad blocks but it’s nice of them to let you know.


D(ate : this sets the date. The files have date stamps so if you plan to do any programming I would set the date.


V(ols : this list the active volumes. Good to find out if a volume isn’t attached.


K(rnch : this does a clean up of the volume. It’s good to do this from time to time. Psystem is lousy about clean up after it’s self and sometimes files can go missing from L(dir that appear in E(extended dir.


Z(ero : This will erase and reformat a volume. Good to use when creating a new volume. WARNING it will erase all data on an existing volume.


Q(uit. This exits the Filer.


There are other utilities but these are the ones you will use the most.





On the p-card this isn't a bad editor; it has lots of functions and is mostly a full screen editor. Bad in that the commands aren’t very intuitive (or at least to what we are familiar with these days). On the psystem, there are a few limitations.


Creating a new document in Editor

To use the editor with a new file press ENTER. This will create a new work file name will be CREATED.0.TEXT. This is always a good place to start. To start typing in your new document you always start with the I(nsert command. This puts you at the beginning of blank the document area. Note that there is no indication that you are at the beginning of the document since you don't have a cursor. Just start typing. If you make an error press Crtl+Left Arrow that will remove the characters to the left then retype. Press ENTER at the end of the line.

When finished press Ctrl+C to save and return to the main Editor menu and SAVE the file. If you don't want to save the file press ESC.

Now that you have created the document Q(uit brings up the Quit menu. To save the file choose U(pdate. If you don't want to save the file press E(xit for exit.


Note: this section is new.

Editing and existing file.

To edit, or just view, an existing file instead of just pressing ENTER when entering Editor type the volume and name of the file. EX: #5:HELLO.TEXT

This will pull up the file on the screen. To begin editing you first want to be sure to position your, invisible, cursor at the beginning of the file. This is accomplished by the J(ump command then the B to set the cursor at the beginning. Now use the X(change command that will position your cursor at the 1st character of the 1st line of the document, unseen of course.

Now you need to move down the document to the line that you would like to change. Press ENTER  and this will move you down the file line by line. Count how many lines to the line you want to change. On the offending line just retype the whole line over. If you find you are not on the correct line (since you have no cursor, easy to do) backspace using CTRL+LEFT ARROW. (CTRL+LEFT ARROW  also works when editing the line and you want to backspace.) Then press ENTER to get to the correct line. If you over shot the line press ESC and start over.

After you have corrected all the lines you want Ctrl+C to save all your changes. then the quit procedure as listed above. A little practice and you'll find it less annoying.

Note: on the p-card you DO have a cursor and full arrow keys.     



C(ompile – this compiles the TEXT file you created with the Editor. Fairly straight forward and works well.


H(alt – this exits the psystem.



Now outside the psystem is a TIBASIC program call MKVOL. This program creates blank volumes to be used for the psystem. Run this program using XB in the geneve. Fairly straight forward. 


Attached is the PSYS.HD you can attach to MAME Geneve as .HD three. The P-Card manuals are available here:





OK, that’s it in a nut shell. Best to just play with the system. And a lot of this information here can also be used on the P-Card. Anyway, have fun and try to ignore the bugs.








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While I've never used the p-system on the Geneve, I can add a few things anyway. Below I give some hints about how things work. Now assuming this isn't broken on the Geneve. Some bugs sound like they instead are misunderstandings about how the system works.


U(ser restart doesn't restart the p-system, but runs the last user program once again. Works with some system programs too, like the Filer. So if you loaded the Filer, did a few things, exited it and immediately realized you should have done one more thing, pressing U will restart the Filer without having to load everything from the disk again. If you do press it immediately after startup, it may run SYSTEM. STARTUP again. Not sure about that, but I think so.


There should be a cursor in the system. I think it's character code 0, although I'm not sure without checking. At least on the TI-99, the file SYSTEM.CHARAC defines all the characters. You can copy it (it's in OS:) to the root volume and edit it with PATCH.CODE to change the character set as you like. The new file will define the system's character set.


Sure you can edit a text file with the editor. But you have to realize that it's not a full screen editor by today's standard. If you open an existing file, then you can walk around in it using the arrow keys.

When you reach a point where you want to insert text, you give the command Insert. Then type. When ready you press Ctrl-C to finish inserting. Between Insert and Ctrl-C you can't walk freely with the arrows. Just backspace.

You can also give the command eXchange and type over existing text. You can use the command keys for Insert and Delete to do that, but only on the row you are working with.


In addition to using = as a wildcard for one or more characters, you can use ? for a single character. $ means "same filename as before". If you use the Complier to compile a file, and there is no system workfile, then it will ask you What file?. If you reply hello, it will open HELLO.TEXT, then ask To what codefile? Here you can reply $, and HELLO.CODE will be created.


You can specify a certain disk to be the default prefix drive. The system drive (the disk in #4 at boot time) will always be *. Then the prefixed drive is referred to by :. If we assume the prefixed drive is #5: (DSK2), then you can copy the two files KALOPS.TEXT  and KALOPS.CODE on the third drive (#9:) with the Filer. Use the Transfer command and specify the files as #9:kalops.=,$

This will copy all files starting with KALOPS. on drive #9: to the prefixed drive with the same name as they had where they came from. If you instead specify #9:kalops.=,kulor.= you'll get the copied files to the prefixed drive, but the new names will be KULOR.TEXT and KULOR.CODE.


The simplest way to set the default prefix is to use the eXecute option from the system's command line, and as the file to execute type p=#5. This will be interpreted as a command to set the prefix to #5. If you want a disk name instead, you can type p=mydisk.


Edited by apersson850
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thanks. I'll look into some of these things. 

I did't know you could edit the SYSTEM.CHARAC with PATCH. I will try that. just being able to see the cursor will help a whole lot and might solve some of the other problems with the arrow keys. If I can't see where I am I can't tell if the arrow keys work or not.

Edited by hloberg
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When using the p-code card for the TI-99/4A, you can open and edit OS:SYSTEM.CHARAC. You can't write it back, of course, since that's a GROM-disk. But you can save the edited file as *SYSTEM.CHARAC. Then it will be used as the character definitiions on next start.


I don't know the details of the Geneve implementations, but even if the cursor doesn't have a good definition, it ought to blink anyway. I remember I changed mine from a block to an underline cursor, but regardless of if you make it the shape of Santa Claus, it should still blink.

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