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Another update on stuff

Nathan Strum


Did you miss me?


Funny thing about going on vacation and still having internet access - nobody knows when you're "gone".


Anyway, I'm back. Here's my current to-do list:

  • Artwork, label and manual for Lady Bug - In progress
  • Manual for Four-Play - Soon
  • Juno First title screen
  • Label and manual for the AtariVox
  • Bitmap for Bob - Soon-ish
  • Finish RPS manual - Waiting for game to be finished
  • Finish MGD manual - Waiting for game to be finished
  • Start editing "Stella at 20"
  • Sprites for a new homebrew - ?

So I'm gradually chipping away at it, which is a good thing. I'm going to be buried in work very shortly, so the more of this I can wrap up, the better. The project that may get pushed back awhile is "Stella at 20", since I wasn't (and won't be) able to work on it this Summer. But I'm still determined to do it.


On a completely other note, "Weird Al's" new album has a name and release date now. "Straight Outta Lynwood" goes on sale September 26th.


Also, Maynard Ferguson recently finished recording a new studio album which is also slated for a possible late September release.


Between those and Lego Star Wars II, it looks like I'll be spending a good chunk of money next month.


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