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Experiments with CX-55 audio and video plus UAVs



This is a scratchpad for some ideas I've had involving how to route audio and video from a CX-55 VCS Adapter in a 5200 with a UAV installed.


First order of business: recap the current CX-55 and replace the voltage regulator.  The video looks awful.  The video looks awful when viewed via the 5200, which has a snow issue over RF that is likely in the modulator.  If the modulator's in need of work to improve the 5200's video, then the same will apply to the CX-55's video.


Next: build a circuit to power it and pull both audio and composite video directly from its edge connector.  Need perfboard, a barrel jack (power), small toggle switch (power), and RCA A/V jacks.  Cartridge port connector and A/V cable are already on hand.  Everything is THT at 2.54mm.  Current-limiting resistor / filter cap / both may be needed.


CX-55 cartridge connector pins:


24    Composite Out
25    GND
26    +5VDC
30    Audio Out


Alternative ground pins: 12, 13, 14, 23


Unregulated DC on pin 11


Pins 11 & 28 not connected (possible chroma / luma outputs?)


Determine if audio / video levels are suitable for use without further amplification.

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You know...there are a few pins off the cartridge port that aren't connected to anything in the 5200 that could be used for other purposes. Say..you wanted to jam a UAV into that CX-55 adapter and then run the s-video from it using two unused pins on the cartridge port. From those pins you run the chroma and luma signals to the output of your AV jacks or tie them to the output you already have on the original UAV installed in the 5200?


The service manual will list the unused pins that were never connected to anything on the 5200 and I'm sure that it would be of use here.


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Yep, those were pretty much my thoughts exactly :-D


I'm going to put together the skeleton version of the standalone adapter in a few days and see what exactly the thing is outputting by default.  With any luck I'll have another CX-55 coming my way soon-ish, so that will help immeasurably in terms of comparison testing.

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