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Early in this project I was interested in sound.  I didn't have a clue how things worked in Atari land and decided to make a feature rich sound engine.  The sound engine could load and play sounds in either channel (basic stuff), but I also allowed the sound frequency to in crease or decrease over time... I also allowed the volume of the sound to increase or decrease over time.  I even made "compound" sounds which would play back a list of sounds.  I think I was using 12 bytes of ram per sound channel... so 24 bytes in total for sound!  Eventually I got a bit more Atari wise and revisited the sound code.  I gutted most of the functionality - I only allowed sound frequency to increase over time... I cut the variable volume and compound sounds and then I squished 2 sound values into a single byte.  This cut the audio ram down to 4 bytes from 24!  I didn't even miss any of the stuff I cut out!  In short the sounds in this game are very basic, but they get the job done.


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