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Speed Recordings; a Speed of 35; the Unit Speed

Living Room Arcade


My newest thoughts about Night Driver Arcade.


Please comment respectfully.  This is not my job.  I don't get paid to do this.  Please do not ask me to write code.  If I find time to write code, I will do it.  And if I never find time, then I never will.  Please understand and be respectful when you comment.  Thank you.  


This time we are recording the speed of the car.  


Q: How many odometer turns per second equals a speed of 35?  

A: 0.76 odometer turns per second





To make this recording, we are using OBS software, web browser source.


We play the game in the OBS software using the webpage at Archive.org.  link 

Special thanks to @ZilchSr for introducing me to this great recording software used in high score clubs.  


Recording Procedure

First, we use OBS to record video of gameplay. 

Second, we capture screenshots from the recorded video. 

Third, we do calculations using data from the screenshots.  


Making the Recordings

We keep the car in first gear and we keep the accelerator pressed down for the entire time.

The max speed in first gear is 35.  Therefore, if we do this, we can record video with a known speed of 35.

Then we can count the odometer turns and the seconds and calculate speed.

We understand that the car starts from rest and accelerates to the max speed of 35.  

We take our first screenshot on the next odometer turn after the car has reached a speed of 35.  

We take our second screenshot on the last odometer turn before I crashed.  

Thus, we are assured that between the two screenshots, the speed of the car was a constant speed of 35.  


Recording #1




odometer 002, time 094, speed 035
odometer 015, time 077, speed 035
13 odometer turns / 17 seconds = 0.76 odometer turns/sec


Recording #2 (longer)




odometer 002, time 096, speed 035
odometer 068, time 009, speed 035
66 odometer turns / 87 seconds = 0.7586 = 0.76 odometer turns/sec


What does a speed of 35 mean?  

Thus, we have found that in the game, a speed of 35 means 0.76 odometer turns per second.  


Unit Speed

Dividing by 35, we also find that a speed of 1, which is called the unit speed, equals 0.02167 odometer turns per second.  




We guess that all allowed speeds of the car in this game will be multiples of the unit speed.  That is to say, we guess that a speed of 10 would be equal to ten times the unit speed and a speed of 20 would be equal to twenty times the unit speed.  Now, the max speed for 2nd gear is 65 (found experimentally by playing the game).  The maximum gear speeds are opportunities for us to make constant speed measurements in this game.  So, let's make a guess that a speed of 65 will be equal to 65 times the unit speed; that is, 65 * 0.02167 = 1.41 odometer turns per second.  In the next blog entry, we will put the car into 2nd gear and make a constant speed measurement at a speed of 65 and see if our guess was right.  




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