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musings on emulation, reproductions & original hardware



I found the outrage in many of the comments for https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/10/switch-emulator-ryujinx-shuts-down-development-after-contact-by-nintendo/ amusing.  You're not going to buy from Nintendo because you won't be able to play pirated games and therefore not give money to Nintendo?  Sounds like https://www.actsofgord.com/Wrath/chapter01.php


It blows my mind that it's profitable to create decent reproductions of N64 cartridges; although I guess the major issue was the up front cost for the cartridge molds and PCB design.  Of course it's frustrating for collectors who want an original cartridge when the market is flooded with reproductions - many of which purport to be "originals".  From my perspective it means it will be easier (and cheaper) to replace my long lost OoT cartridge and maybe pick up a few other N64 games. 


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