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Was it JAWS?



Everything in life would be better with a theme song.... :music:

Don't ya think??? I've decided to add a sound track to my life this weekend... Here's what I've got so far...


Like this weekend it could be Jimmy Buffett's

"Headin up to San Fransico for the Labor Day weekend show... I got my hush puppies on, I guess I never was made for glitter rock and roll......... "


Friday night theme could have been some pacman sound effects.... I played some video games


Saturday could have been JAWS.... DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN......


Here's how it went... I got up at the crack of dawn to watch the sun rise on the beach.... I found a beach that is deserted most of the time... So, it was quiet and void of humans... It was so great... what a fantastic morning.... Layed out and ate my breakfast while watching all the colors in the sky..... My middle daughter was with me... we decided to go swimming... SO FAR NO THEME MUSIC......


UNTIL...... We head for the water... I love to swim in the ocean.... We went way out past the breakers... somthing hit my hand... like a small fish.. it always starts the theme from JAWS playing in my head... but, I go in the water all the time... so no big deal..... I try NOT to hear theme music.... I keep swimming.. and BAM... something hits my leg.. and brushes past me... wow.. it felt BIG..... I grabbed my daughters arm and said... LETS SWIM IN... I got freaked out.. :-o I swear I hear the JAWS THEME!!!!!


Safely back at shore, we sat in the sand for a while.. and then went back in..... (DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN.... that should have been a warning right????) Wow, now that the sun was full on, you could see tons of large fish.. Most were about 18 inches long.... Dont know what type they were... but... wow, wish i had a fishing pole... You know what eats fish right???? And there are small sharks and rays at that beach.... So.. that was the end of swimming for the day.... and thankfully the JAWS theme music ended... :P


Saturday afternoon was so lazy.... I cooked shepards pie, (if you never tried it.. you should... ) and pretended I was on the FOOD CHANNEL.... (Theme music, something french?? Italian....??? Hmmm....)


Saturday night theme music???? :skull: FREDDY OR THE AXE MURDER THEME... I watched Forensic files and Cold Case Files for hours.. and finished the day with the movie.. "The Green River Killer"... Okay.. yeah I slept with the night light on... LOL... :|


Sunday, was such a lazy day.... I think some 70's Chicago 8-track could have been perfect background music... (Think.. Does anyone really know what time it is... ?? ) Did stuff around the house... and watched a bizzare movie... Don't know the name.. just found it flipping channels... what a waste of time...


MONDAY... well here I am... recapping and looking forward to a sunny BBQ day.... I havent picked my theme music yet.... wait.....??? Is that the space Invader theme I hear... yes... in the distance.. I hear marching........ and rapid fire..... OH GOSH... IT'S AN ATARI DAY!!!!! Wow, I love holidays!!!! :)


See ya...



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