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You can take the boy out of the trailer park ...



... but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy. Or, something like that. I actually only lived in a trailer for a couple of years, but I'm pretty sure I had white trash tendencies long before that. I still had a mullet when I got married in 1995, and I've always kind of liked El Caminos. This is actually just a long-winded way for me to announce that the magnetic flames I ordered for the golf kart arrived, which Mason and I applied to the vehicle this weekend.




Mason and I have had some good times already on the kart. There's a park on the other side of our neighborhood, a little over a mile away, that Mason and I drive the kart to on the weekends. Its electric motor doesn't move too quickly, but we get there eventually. The kart has four cup holders, so Mason and I usually each grab a can of generic diet cola for the ride.


On the way to the park Sunday, I spied a tiny dirt road in the corner of my neighborhood. We've taken it before; it leads to a small oil pump, but it opens up to a big field which we occasionally do a lap around. I noticed Sunday that the road actually continues on, so we decided to follow it. The path continued on, running parallel with the interstate but behind weeds and trees tall enough to restrict our view. The path lead us past a pond and all the way past the neighborhood. It reminded me of a safari wilderness adventure or something.


Eventually, the weeds and trees opened up to a large opening. Up ahead I saw cars and a building, and I realized we were in the Best Western parking lot across from the new McDonald's off of Reno and Mustang Road. We had driven a complete mile, from Czech Hall to Mustang Road.




On the way home we stopped by the park and played for a bit. As goofy as it may seem, I kind of like our little golf kart outings. It's a time where the boys can get out and be by ourselves for a bit.


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I got to get me a golf kart.Adventures await me.lol.Its great fun to spend time your son and enjoy life.You and him will have those memories forever.

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Yeah, it's definitely a hoot. I just wish he could drive the dumb thing. He's pretty good about steering in videogames. I wonder what it is about a real steering wheel that just makes him want to aim for the curbs?

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