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Star Wars, Home Video, and Me



In 1978, the year after Star Wars was released, our family got two things: our first VCR, and our first VHS copy of Star Wars. The bootleg video came from a friend of a relative who worked in a movie theater. A video camera was setup on a tripod after hours in a movie theater, and the entire movie was videotaped. The quality was crap -- everyone appeared tall and skinny and you can imagine what the audio sounded like -- and we still watched the heck out of it. I remember Christmas Day, 1978, watching Star Wars in our living room while reenacting movie scenes with the ships and action figures Santa had delivered.


By the time Return of the Jedi hit theaters in 1983 HBO was showing Star Wars regularly, and the following year it aired for the first time on CBS. A few years later I got my first legitimate copy of Star Wars -- an ex-rental tape.


The original trilogy boxset was released in 1994, while I was working at Best Buy. The first three films (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi) were released in a single boxset for $50. Finally, I owned all three movies on video! I would never need to purchase them again!


(Insert sound of Jabba the Hutt laughing at me here.)


A year or two later, I bought the THX re-release boxset. And then, the letterbox edition, followed by the version that was both letterboxed AND THX. Not including the original bootleg and the ex-rental, I now owned four complete copies of the trilogy.


And then came DVD.


Not willing to wait for Lucas' official releases, I bought two DVD bootleg copies of the trilogy. One was actually VCD discs from Singapore/Malaysia. The other were out-and-out bootlegs, copies that someone had transferred from laserdisc to DVD. Then came the official special edition releases, which I also purchased, which were followed by the newer three movies which I also picked up.


If you include both Ewok movies (both of which I own on both VHS and DVD), the Ewok cartoons, the Droids cartoons, the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, both seasons of the Clone Wars cartoons and other odds and ends I've picked up over the years ... that's a lot of freakin' Star Wars movies.


This is all a long winded way of saying yes, I did purchase the "new" Star Wars DVDs that came out last week. The new 2 DVD releases contain the Special Edition of each movie on one disc and the original unedited theatrical versions on the other. $20 per package times three movies.


At this point I could watch a different release of the same movie every night next week. And I just might.


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WOW... i have just about all the same... something about some movies .. you never get tired of watching them (even poor quality copies)... Back to the Future, Indian Jones.. and of course StarWars... I have old bootleg copies... HBO copies... old network TV copies.. with funny old commercials.. and the "real" copy on VHS... then DVD.. the special box editions... wow, the thought of all the money I spent... LOL... but your right... you could watch them over and over... great idea... I'm heading to the kitchen to make some popcorn!!! :party:



PS... another movie I could watch over and over and had a horrible "bootleg" copy of and now VHS & DVD, Raising Arizona ... N. Cage & H Hunter... funny movie... might have to bust that one out too!

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I'm sure I have the Back to the Future and Indiana Jones trilogies both on VHS and DVD. The only VHS tapes we watch anymore are the kids' Teletubbies or Bob the Builder tapes that we've picked up cheap over the years, but even those don't seem to get much play anymore.


Here's what a CD and DVD family we've become. The other day I told my son I needed to rewind his videotape and he said, "Daddy, what does rewind mean?"

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I can't say I have as many copies of Star Wars as you do. I also have ex-rental VHS versions of the original trilogy along with the THX widescreen versions on VHS. But I avoided buying the SE DVD since I'm a purist when it comes to the original trilogy. (I did see the SEs in the theater. Hated the edits then too.) But I did buy the Collectors Edition so I now have the Original Theatrical Release on DVD (even if it is letterbox).

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I hated the SE versions too, but I was suckered into buying them when Lucas swore on all that is holy that he was nevah evah gonna release the originals.


I've got one more purchase in me, the inevitable 30-year anniversary box set due out next year. After that, I'm done.

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I bought the recent original trilogy releases, and I'm pleased with them. They are indeed the originals (no "Episode IV" in the Star Wars opening), although they aren't anamorphic, and include the SE versions too (bleah). But they look much better than the laserdisc versions (which I also own), even though they're from the same video master. Well-mastered DVDs are capable of preserving more of the original video with less degredation. I'd been working on my own DVDs from my laserdiscs, but since it's inevitably going to be at least two generations further away from the original source, it just couldn't compare.

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I'd been working on my own DVDs from my laserdiscs, but since it's inevitably going to be at least two generations further away from the original source, it just couldn't compare.

I'd been doing the same thing with my VHS tapes. What impressed me was how well my efforts stacked up against the real thing. The SE DVDs also have a commentary track which is an interesting listen.

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