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Freecycle Frustrations



I've unsubscribed from the Oklahoma City Freecycle Group. Freecycle is a local mailing list that allows people to give and receive free items. Upon signing up, I assumed that the way the group worked was that people would post things they had available for free, and then people who needed those things would respond and acquire them. In reality though, it doesn't quite work that way. The first problem is, most of the stuff that's offered is crap. A lot of it is simply old, broken stuff that people are hoping you'll take for free so they don't have to pay someone else to take it to the dump for them. A lot of the posts are offers for freebies that are "left over from our garage sale." Anyone who's even been to a garage sale late in the afternoon knows what kind of "treasure" to expect from these people. No thanks.


The funniest part of Freecycle are the wish lists. People are constantly posting for things they're looking for that they hope to get for free. The posts requesting box fans and air conditioners during the summer, I understand. It's the continual wishing for cars, laptops, computers, furniture, and other high dollar items that gets old. Saturday, there was a post requesting a computer monitor. I have several out in the garage, so I e-mailed the person telling them that they could come by and pick up an old 17" monitor I had. Their response? "I'm not looking for anything less than a 21 inch."


Every e-mail I get from the group has a few people offering things for free (most of which are pets), and a long list of people asking for free cars and other things. The few good things that have come up are snatched in minutes if not seconds -- there are people watching the list every second of the day, requesting every single item that comes up.


I've decided there was a lot less headache in obtaining things I want the old fashioned way -- BUYING THEM.


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