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Commodork hits Slashdot!



I have officially achieved geek nirvana. My book Commodork: Sordid Tales from a BBS Junkie was just reviewed here on Slashdot! The review is very positive (definitely reassuring!), and sales have just taken off! In fact, I've sold so many books in the past two hours (when the story hit Slashdot) that having enough books for my book signing in Chicago this weekend has suddenly become a concern. Hopefully I won't dip below that threshhold. I've already ordered more books through Lulu.com -- hopefully this system will last until the books show up on Amazon.


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Thanks man! Yes, the site seems to have weathered the storm, and the sales have been outstanding! The best part though is all the e-mails I've received from people sharing their own BBS stories. I almost have enough for an entire second book -- say, now there's an idea!

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