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Back to the drawing board...

Nathan Strum


I've been working on the manual for Four-Play, which includes the mini-game Knight Jumper.


For the Knight Jumper page, I wanted to draw a cartoon chess knight. The first version I attempted (drawn in the computer) was, to put it kindly, awful.


I tried re-working it and re-working it, until I finally realized it just wasn't going to work.


So, I decided to dig out paper and pencil, and go at it "old-school". And after a few attempts, got something I really liked, which will be the one in the manual. Re-drawing it several times took far less time than trying to force the other one to work did.




I'm starting to like drawing in the real world again, rather than in the computer. There's far more control and subtlety available with a pencil and paper than you can get out of even the best software. Drawing is a very tactile process, and I'm beginning to rediscover that. I'm still taking the drawings into the computer to finish them, since I can get better line and shading quality than I can otherwise.




Plus it still allows me to fix stuff easily - like the base of the knight. Computers are really good at ellipses. So it's a "best of both worlds", type of thing.


Except I really miss having an "undo" when using pencil and paper. I still find myself reaching for command-z all the time. :D


(Incidentally, using a blue pencil to draw is a leftover habit from animating. Blue pencils were originally used by animators so when their artwork was cleaned up later with graphite, the blue lines wouldn't show up when xeroxed onto cels. I just like the subtlety I can get with a blue pencil that I can't with graphite.)


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I really like it. Very nice, natural looking comic style.


Except maybe for the base, IMO it looks a bit too perfect and clean. Maybe a mixture of concave and convex circles, with different height would help.

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I'm not 100% happy with the base either, but I'll have to see if I've got the time to re-work it after I get the rest of the manual done. My time is pretty tight these days, until at least the end of this month.

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I didn't think the first knight you showed me was "awful". But the new one is cool, and the effort you put into it shows. :lust:


Not to micromanage, but I liked the way the knight in the first draft was all-black, including the eyes and teeth.

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I didn't think the first knight you showed me was "awful". But the new one is cool, and the effort you put into it shows. :lust:


Not to micromanage, but I liked the way the knight in the first draft was all-black, including the eyes and teeth.


I liked the idea of doing that, but it just never worked quite right. I couldn't get any personality into the eyes when they were all black. That's one of the things I spent a lot of time on while revising it, but I just couldn't make it work. (Although... maybe I could make them gray...)


Sometimes that shark he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.
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Did some more work on the Four-Play manual, and just e-mailed it off to Zach and Albert to look over. I'd say it's "mostly" done, pending approval, and the usual round of corrections. :lust:


I also re-worked the knight a little bit. I think the base is better now. The gray (or black) eyes just didn't work though. Too lifeless.



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Nice! I enjoy seeing the process from rough to final draft. I only wish I had a fraction of your artistic talent! :lust:

Thanks for the kind words. For what it's worth - I'd always wished I could draw like other people. At some point though, and it's been pretty recently, I've come to realize that I enjoy drawing the most when I'm just drawing the way that I happen to draw. I tend to get frustrated when I try to draw like other people do.


That doesn't mean I'm not inspired by them, or don't try new things from time to time. But I no longer worry about being "as good as" someone else at something. I draw the way I draw, and do it for the enjoyment of it. Anything else, for me at least, isn't worth the effort.


It's always been fascinating for me to see the art process, too. Although the sketch shown in the first post isn't all that rough. Prior to that was this one:




And prior to that one, were a few other attempts which I'm not about to post here. :D

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IMO the base is looking much better now. :lust:

Thanks Thomas. I appreciated the feedback. Sometimes I'll look at stuff like the base and think, "eh... good enough" when I know it could be better. But if someone calls me out on it, I feel obligated to fix it. :D

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Although the sketch shown in the first post isn't all that rough. Prior to that was this one... And prior to that one, were a few other attempts which I'm not about to post here. :lust:


I'm reminded of a quote by someone who said that the way to carve a marble statue of an elephant is to take a big block of marble and carve away everything that doesn't look like an elephant.

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Thanks for going the extra mile on Knight Jumper. I would have been satisfied with just a few screenshots!


You're welcome! When I did the MiniGame MultiCart manual last year, I always regretted not having the time to make custom illustrations for each game. So this is kind of a way to make up for it. :lust:

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