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tweak, tweak, tweak



Minor update from yesterday. The leprechauns now try to go towards the player when they stop before they go into hunt mode. (Which should help vdub_bobby's switchback level.) They also should drop off the ends of ropes when stopped.


I also flip-flopped on the drop-off detection, though I'm not certain whether I like it. The Leprechauns now turn around and go into hunt mode when the player is above them and they encounter a drop-off. Unfortunately, with my built-in level this causes them to go into a loop if the player does nothing at the start, which they only get out of because they bump into one another. (In the previous version there was a chance the leprechaun would walk off the drop-off anyway.)


I also fixed the sprite color debug code so you can tell when the leprechauns are hunting (bright) rather than chasing (dull). I'll update the Leprechaun Level Editor as well. (Mostly so I can test using the various levels which have been created.)


I know these AI updates aren't that exciting, but I'm seeing just how much it can impact the level playability. So I'd like to get it nailed down before I move onto bells & whistles.


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I know these AI updates aren't that exciting, but I'm seeing just how much it can impact the level playability.

I think it's pretty exciting; AI is fun stuff. :ponder:


Let us know when you've updated the level editor and I'll give it a whirl.



I also flip-flopped on the drop-off detection, though I'm not certain whether I like it. The Leprechauns now turn around and go into hunt mode when the player is above them and they encounter a drop-off. Unfortunately, with my built-in level this causes them to go into a loop if the player does nothing at the start, which they only get out of because they bump into one another.

Unless you build some super-complicated path-finding algorithm there are going to be quirks and certain situations where enemies get stuck in circles, etc. As long as those situations aren't too common I don't think this is a big deal; levels just need to be built with that in mind.

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I've tested about 10 of the levels I created previously, and here are my observations:


1. Enemies still get stuck occasionally in little circles on small (one square) ladders. Not as often, though.

2. Enemies *frequently* get just plain stuck. This happens when they are in this situation:



I.e., they can't move towards the player horizontally or vertically. They flash when this is happening, so I assume they are rapidly transitioning between hunt and chase without moving.

3. Enemies don't drop off of bounded ropes (ones with walls at both ends) if the player is higher than them. I don't know if this is good or bad. I think it is good most of the time, but bad sometimes. Might be good have the enemies drop off ropes when they hit a wall 20% of the time or so. Or...?

4. Except for #2 above, the other issues are minor and the AI is much better. :ponder: :lol:

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