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Homebreviews - part 8

Nathan Strum


Here we go with the last batch of reviews (for now).


I'd like to point out, that these are completely unbiased reviews. icon_mrgreen.gif


(Actually, that's impossible, since by their very nature all reviews have some sort of bias. But anyway...)


I should mention that I contributed something to each of these games. But I didn't program any of them, nor do I get kickbacks on any sales from the AtariAge store.


Although I should really talk to Albert about that. icon_wink.gif


Anyway, in the interest of full-disclosure...

  • For Rainbow Invaders, I created the label artwork, worked on the manual, and re-designed some of the sprites.
  • On Lady Bug, I designed the sprites, and created the label artwork and manual.
  • In Conquest of Mars, I made the title screen logo, the "extra ship" graphic, and created the label artwork and manual.
  • And finally, for Four-Play, I designed the title screen graphics, and created the label artwork and manual.

I've been doing a lot of that lately, it seems. Currently I'm working on a label and manual for Space Battle, and collaborating with Dave Dries on a label and manual for Phantom II/Pirate. Plus I'm working on sprites for some other thing, too. icon_ponder.gif


I just uploaded my other recent reviews to the AtariAge store, so they should show up there pretty soon.


And with that... on with the show!


Rainbow Invaders


A nice twist on the Space Invaders genre, Rainbow Invaders adds color-coded power-ups that you must catch in order to boost your abilities, or avoid if they help your enemies. The basic gameplay is straightforward - shoot everything that moves. There are no barricades to hide behind, but your ship does have shields you can activate briefly by pulling back on the joystick. The graphics (which I should admit to helping with) are colorful and fun, and the sound is pretty good for an Invaders-type game. The game ramps up the difficulty very nicely, and by the time you get to the higher levels (where the invaders fire much faster and more accurately) you'll have quite a challenge on your hands. The power-ups are well designed, and it doesn't take too many games before you'll have all 16 of them memorized. But the main drawback to the game is that the power-ups are lopsided in favor of the invaders (4 for you, 12 for them). A more balanced set of power-ups would have made the game a bit more fair, and would have given the player more incentive to risk going after them, rather than just avoiding them. Still, Rainbow Invaders is definitely recommended for fans of Invader games, or anyone who likes a good vertical shooter. The power-ups add a lot to the game, and the few that are in your favor are a lot of fun when you get them.


Lady Bug


Lady Bug is a port of the classic arcade game, in which you maneuver a ladybug around a maze, eating dots (flowers), avoiding enemy bugs, and earning bonuses by collecting letters and hearts scattered throughout the maze. But Lady Bug isn't merely another Pac-Man clone, since you can swing doors around to change the layout of the maze and throw the enemy bugs off your trail, and earning bonuses figures into the strategy of how you play the game. Collecting enough letters to spell EXTRA earns you another life, and spelling SPECIAL earns you a bonus round where you can rack up a ton of points. You'll have to decide which letters to pick and when, since if they're the wrong color, they won't be credited to you, and even picking up the hearts at the wrong time can cost you big points. Do you go for points, or just try to get out of the maze before all of the bugs are released and chase you down? Lady Bug is an amazing achievement. All of the elements from the arcade game (and even the ColecoVision port) are here, including all of the enemy bugs, levels and bonuses. The graphics (which I may be a little biased towards) are colorful and bright, and considering how much is happening on screen, the flicker is expertly handled and hardly noticeable once you're into playing the game. The sound effects and music are first-rate, and excellent tributes to the arcade originals. Lady Bug may very well be the best and most feature-complete arcade port for the Atari 2600. Best of all, it's just a really fun and challenging game, and I highly recommend it!


Conquest of Mars


Conquest of Mars is a vertical shooter in which you descend deep into caverns to destroy Martian Destructo-Bombs before they can be used against Earth. As you careen through the caverns, you have to blast enemy cannons and fuel tanks, avoid laser gates and enemy missiles, and then escape back to the surface before the bomb goes off. Conquest of Mars is fiercely challenging, but not unfairly so. With patience (and a mercifully included "continue" feature) you can learn the enemies' patterns and weaknesses, and work your way through the game. The game is a lot of fun to play, with plenty of action, huge caverns to explore, and great flicker-free graphics. The game requires skill, quick reflexes, and the ability to develop different strategies for each level that you encounter. If that doesn't sound like enough of a challenge, you can also choose to have the enemies fire back at you while all of this is going on.


Originally written to replace the dreadful version of Caverns of Mars on Atari's Flashback 2 console, Conquest of Mars was left unreleased when Atari canceled plans for an update to that product. Fortunately, AtariAge and programmer John Champeau were able to release the game for us to enjoy, and it's one of the best games available for the Atari 2600. Not for wimps, to be sure. But anyone who likes a good shoot 'em up will love Conquest of Mars.




Four-Play is an adaptation of the classic board game Connect Four. You and your opponent take turns dropping red or blue marbles into a 7x7 grid. The first player who manages to line up four of their marbles in a row, wins. The game couldn't be simpler, which is what made the original so appealing, and why it has been a huge hit since 1974. Everyone I knew owned Connect Four. I always wanted it - but never got one. Well, now I've got Four-Play, and it's every bit as fun as the original, and even manages to improve on it. The grid in Four-Play is a row taller - expanding the number of possible solutions; you don't have to go hunting under the sofa for pieces after the board dumps them all over the place, and best of all - you can also play against the computer! No more scrounging around for someone to play against, and the computer is a very good opponent indeed. With four skill levels to choose from, everyone should find a level to challenge them. I can routinely beat the first level, so that's a good place for beginners to start, but I'm finding even the second level tough to defeat. If you're looking for a great board game that everyone can enjoy, pick up Four-Play.

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Recommended Comments

Nice reviews, thanks for taking the time to write them. I do agree about the power ups on Rainbow Invaders--you really need to memorize the various icons before you start picking them up. Generally this is done through trial and error. You do quickly learn which ones to avoid, and once you do, you can really take advantage of them.



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Thanks for the positive review of Four-Play. JohnnyWC's games are some of the best homebrews yet, and I don't think FP quite deserves the same rating as them. Maybe FP is a 4.6, the ChampGames are 5.0, and you rounded to the nearest integer. :)


Not many people have noticed the extra work it took to make 52-pixel artwork, except those who followed my blog. Or maybe people enjoy the artwork, but not conciously realize it's wider than usual.

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Thanks for the positive review of Four-Play. JohnnyWC's games are some of the best homebrews yet, and I don't think FP quite deserves the same rating as them. Maybe FP is a 4.6, the ChampGames are 5.0, and you rounded to the nearest integer. :)

Four-Play isn't in the same genres as John's games, but in it's own genre, I think Four-Play is just as successful. It's comparing apples and oranges.


And anyway, Lady Bug is one of those rare games that actually deserves a 6. ;)


Not many people have noticed the extra work it took to make 52-pixel artwork, except those who followed my blog. Or maybe people enjoy the artwork, but not consciously realize it's wider than usual.

I think the bulk of 2600 players out there don't understand the limitations of the system enough to know when something new like that has been accomplished. It usually takes something pretty major for people to notice.

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And anyway, Lady Bug is one of those rare games that actually deserves a 6. :)


Agreed. IMHO, it's the first game to really challenge THRUST+ for being the best 2600 game ever.

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Agreed. IMHO, it's the first game to really challenge THRUST+ for being the best 2600 game ever.


Best homebrews definitely :)


But a select few titles from the original library, like Solaris, Battlezone, Dig Dug, Galaxian, Pitfall 2, Seaquest or H.E.R.O. (add/subtract some matching your own taste) are close to perfection as well. Maybe not on par with the high technical level of modern age homebrew programming techniques, but certainly in sheer playability.

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Thanks Nathan for such positive, unbiased :) reviews on CoM & Lady Bug, and thanks mostly for the great artwork you supplied for them. It's your graphic work & Bob's sounds that really pushed Lady Bug to the level where it's at.


Thomas/Cybergoth/supercat - your praise for the games certainly means a lot to me. Thrust, Star Fire, Strat-o-gems - they all were great inspirations that helped me believe as a developer that what may seem impossible for the 2600 actually is possible with enough ingenunity. :D


Agreed. IMHO, it's the first game to really challenge THRUST+ for being the best 2600 game ever.

Looks like Johnny and I should meet for a duel. :D


That's very nice of you to say, but my vote still goes for Thrust... ;) And a duel sounds great to me! ;) One thing is for sure - the 2600 community would certainly love to see another game by TJ!


Thanks again guys... :D

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But a select few titles from the original library, like Solaris, Battlezone, Dig Dug, Galaxian, Pitfall 2, Seaquest or H.E.R.O. (add/subtract some matching your own taste) are close to perfection as well. Maybe not on par with the high technical level of modern age homebrew programming techniques, but certainly in sheer playability.


There were some excellent games BITD as well, but Thrust+ has a little something extra. The tethered pod is so totally unique on the 2600. I think I'd prefer the game without the (bleep)ing limpet guns, but other than that it's just about perfect. Sorta like Crazy Balloon, but with a bit more logic behind the crazy careening.


One other slight change I'd like to see: an option so that fire is thrust ALWAYS and up is used to fire. Having fire change function can be a bit confusing.

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One other slight change I'd like to see: an option so that fire is thrust ALWAYS and up is used to fire. Having fire change function can be a bit confusing.

I could make a hacked ROM for you, if you are interested.

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That's very nice of you to say, but my vote still goes for Thrust... ;)

Really? :D (must be Paul's magic then)


Well, then let's just wait for your next one...


And a duel sounds great to me! :)

My ship and the limpet guns will massacre your poor, defenseless bugs! ;)


One thing is for sure - the 2600 community would certainly love to see another game by TJ!

Unfortunaly I am by far not as fast and commited as you are. Too many (not only) RL distractions.

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Just posted these reviews to the store. They should be showing up there soon. (Figured I ought to get them in there prior to the Holiday Sale starting. :) )

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