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Non-Official Nabuko Palette for VCS 2600 Emulation



Well what I got for you today? A new palette, yes, that's right.. this time is for the 2600 emulator Stella. :?: I know it cannot be used now, that's why I making it before the new release of Stella, which will support the user defined color palette. It consist of a 256 color array, 128 colors for NTSC games and 128 for PAL games. Right now I'm just testing this palette under ProSystem 7800 emulator using the color selector demo rom, so I don't consider it as an official palette... yet, PAL colors need to be re-done.




As you can see I generated two palettes, with slight differences in the PAL color swatches. See any difference between NTSC and PAL colors? Well, there aren't. PAL colors here are exactly the same NTSC colors, they are relocated in different positions.


Download the 2600 palettes for view with ProSystem Here: megaman.zip


BONUS PACK: For those who want to start ProSystem with my palette, w/o setting it up each time you load a rom, here's the .exe file hacked. ENJOY IT!



Don't forget the ROM to view it! post-1060-1090094448_thumb.jpg

Have a good evening everyone!!!


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