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going to the cabin



gah... today is Robot's birthday. I'm going up to the cabin soonly.. well, maybe not. Laura was supposed to be here about half an hour ago. So, I called her house and i was informed that she was still sound asleep and had told her family that she was leaving around noon... grrr :x . she really likes sleeping. but now she should be here in about another half an hour. I found a very unique LCD game for Robot at Salvation army. It's shaped like a stealth bomber and in the back of it is the display. it kinda fits around your eyes.. you shoot planes and fly around, the buttons are on the wings and the gameplay has a very non-LCD feel to it (and yes, that's a good thing) the unique thing about it is that you steer by moving your body/head. pretty cool idea, but a bitch on your spine. and it has no score, you just shoot planes until you die... or pinch a nerve. probably why it ended up at salvation army. but whatever, i'd take a picture but it's wrapped.it took $10, but I won an argument last week. Laura insisted that all i needed was a random AC adaptor to power my SNES. I said no, she said yes. So, i bought a an AC adaptor that has plugs and volt settings for everything. none fit the SNES. but maybe because it's horribly broken and now, smashed in my garbage. i hate you broken SNES.i'm really bored, so i'm rambling about nothing.. i think i'll go watch a movie now.


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