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Still workin' on it.



Bankswitching can be a pain. Or more accurately, my failure to preplan it better. Haven't gotten it compiled yet as I've had to overcome various compiler errors caused by label-dependant code being in the wrong bank. So been moving those things around etc. I think the last thing I'll have to change before it'll compile will be a way to jump into the roomloader bank when it detects a new room to be loaded. Already got a good idea of how I'll do that.


I think I have Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires out of my blood for a while finally tho. That thing was taking up a hell of a lot of my time. *grin* So as long as I don't turn around and start playing Dynasty Warriors 4, I should be good to go on the rom more regularly again. ;)






Finally got the bankswitched version to work, sort of. Given I never changed anything in the graphics (at least not intentionally!) or the room data itself, there's obviously some problems to overcome.


1. The trophy now looks like ET. Seriously. Stare at it for a while.


2. The exits aren't working.


I wonder if both might be page-related errors propping up from the moving around within the rom(s).





The exits failed because the thing I copy/pasted for the room info was an older version. I thought I had updated the copy in the roombank rom to match what I was using in the normal bank prior to adding the bankswitching, and I was wrong. ^^ Pulled the right info out of a backup.


The "ET" error is baffling me however. Right now, and without seeming to do anything directly to it, it's no longer an ET in the current compiled rom. Not only is it not displaying the proper bytes (Where it -should- be pointing to!) but I know where it's actually reading it from.


It's somehow positioned directly over the joystick ports (among other registers around it.)


Basically the picture alters as I try to move around (As the predictable bits go on and off - both player 0 and player 1 and it responds to the console switches as well. x_x


I'm trying to figure out how it's doing this. It's seriously messing with my mind here.


With the bankswitching I had to split my temporary variable hardwiring routine up so it inited variables in two different banks. It needed some labels to init in the display bank but when the game is all done and finished, there will still be some variable initilization required - and I want that done in the roomloader bank.


According to the output.txt dasm generated, the pointer in ram is being loaded with the proper address to point to the graphics so assuming that's true I must be corrupting it somewhere to make it point to around $280.








after being confused with this for a couple days, just typing that made me realize what the hell was probably going wrong.


The labels are being inited poorly in the display bank.


here's what's happening... ^^;;;;;;


If it starts in the Roomloader Bank, it initializes the system then loads the room then goes about it. It bypasses the Label Initalization in the Display Bank.


If it starts in the Display Bank, it inits the labels, then jumps to the roomloader. AND INITIALIZES THE SYSTEM. As in, goes through Andrew's 9-byte routine that I have in there thereby overwriting what was loaded and continues on it's merry way as if it had started in the Roomloader bank.


I suck.


I'll go fix that later today or tomorrow morning.



On another note, Dynasty Warriors 4 is still kinda fun.


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