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And then...

Nathan Strum


Well, it's January. Barely, but it's still January.


So it's time to dust off the old "To Do" list, and see what I have left to do in the upcoming year.


First, let's check the previous list(s)...


From February, 2006:

  • Make "To-Do" List - This one never ends. :P
  • Finish Colony 7 Sprites - Done! (game in progress)
  • Finish Lady Bug sprites - Done! (and in the store)
  • Make label for Four-Play - Done! (and in the store)
  • Make Juno First sprites - Done! (game in progress)
  • Make list of what sprite artists need to know from programmers for the 2600 - Done!
  • Create OS X icon for KrokCom- Done!
  • Wrap up manual for RPS - About 75% done. Waiting for game to be finished :ponder:
  • Create manual for Man Goes Down - About 75% done. Waiting for game to be finished
  • Design sprites for homebrew sports game - Game development on hold
  • Stella at 20 30 - Still haven't worked on this, due to my schedule at work. But I intend to get going on it this Summer.
  • Update the 2600 Video Mods page - Summer. Maybe. Hopefully. I've got about four or five mods to build and test.
  • Convert sprites for PoP - These are (or were) being worked on by le geek
  • "How-To" tutorial for creating sprites - Someday...
  • Finish XBox 360 vs. PS3 blog entry - Done! Although this could stand to have an update, since all of the systems have now hit the market. - Update added!
  • Write up some Stupid Game Ideas - Started, with more to come.

Then, from later that month...

  • Extra-large bitmap for Zach - Done! (This became the title screen for Four-Play)
  • Start on other label designs - Done! Four-Play was one of these, the other may have been early work on a Rainbow Invaders contest entry (which I won).
  • Tape Olympic ice hockey game - Done! But now I don't know where the tape went. Anyway, that project is on hold now.
  • Watch "This Old House" - Done! Every week. Or at least, every week they don't pre-empt it with a pledge drive. Which brings up the question, why should I give PBS money, when they always pre-empt the only show I ever watch on their channel?
  • Purchase and consume Round Table "All Meat Marvel" pizza - Done! (And more times than I can count.)

From March...

  • Design new ghost sprites for Dennis' PacMan - Done! (Although in the end, Dennis used ZylonBane's sprites)
  • Design some new sprites for Rainbow Invaders - Done! (and in the store)
  • Design some tiles for Bob - Done!

April brought...

  • Additional (revised) illustrations for the RPS manual - Stalled. I still want to get back to this though, since after reading the R.O.D manga (as well as the R.O.D manga), I want to re-draw the whole thing.
  • Colony 7 title screen - Done! (now appearing in the WIP binary)
  • Juno First title screen - Done! Just got this to Chris a few days ago.
  • Finish and animate Medieval Mayhem dragon - David Vazquez ended up doing a fantastic job on this (and it's in the store, too)
  • Create illustration for AtariAge store - Done! (Although I was supposed to do a gift-certificate, too, and never got around to it. :roll: )
  • Revise 2600 Bosconian mockups - Updated!

And May...

  • Create label and manual for AtariVox - Done! (and in the store, although the manual isn't pictured)
  • Create label and manual for Conquest of Mars - Done! (also in the store)


Skipping ahead to August...

  • Bitmap for Bob - In progress (made the first pass at it, now revising it)
  • Sprites for another new homebrew - These are for Rip Off! - Done!

Not mentioned on a list, but "To-Do" nonetheless were:

  • Create label for Medieval Mayhem contest - Done!
  • Create sprite for Thomas - In progress (made a few versions, now revising it)
  • Manual and label for Phantom II/Pirate - Done! (yep, it's in the store)
  • Manual and label for Space Battle - Done! (also in the store)
  • Sprites for Toyshop Trouble, the 2006 AtariAge Holiday Cart - Done! (no longer in the store)

So, that brings me up to my current "To-Do" list!



  • Stella at 20 30 - Summer
  • Update the 2600 Video Mods page - Summer (maybe)
  • "How-To" tutorial for creating sprites - Eventually
  • Additional (revised) illustrations for the RPS manual - Spring/Summer
  • Revised bitmap for Bob - In progress
  • Revised sprite for Thomas - In progress
  • Finish manual for RPS - When game resumes development
  • Finish manual for Man Goes Down - When game resumes development
  • Create sprites for sports game - When game resumes development
  • Create sprites for Rip Off! - Done!

And new stuff:

  • Additional color scheme for Juno First sprites - Done!
  • Testing unannounced homebrew game - Done! (At least for now)
  • Sprites for unannounced homebrew project - Game development on hold
  • In-game art for Chetiry - Game development on hold
  • Even more Stupid Game Ideas - As time permits
  • Review another big pile of homebrew games - In progress
  • Keyboard Controller overlays for Synthcart - Done! (not the same as the ones for the Video Touchpad)
  • Overly-ambitious project that I'm not naming, since it's unlikely I'll actually work on it*

Man... 2006 was a busy year! I don't know if 2007 will be as busy or not, but with all of the homebrew games already in development, it looks to be a good one!


Lastly, I added a couple more categories to my blog:


Video Game Reviews, to make them easier to find, and

Stupid Game Ideas, to make them easier to ignore. ;)



* There were actually two of these, but now Bob has gone and done one of them! Thanks Bob! :D


Recommended Comments

That is a very impressive list - there can't be many recent homebrews that haven't had your work featured in them somewhere! I'm very grateful for the work that you have done/are doing on Juno First. With any luck it should be released later in the year.



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Well, how did you manage to get all that stuff done last year! Nice resume. :-)


Very cool of you to do all of this and you have my gratitude.

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Well, how did you manage to get all that stuff done last year! Nice resume. :-)


Very cool of you to do all of this and you have my gratitude.

Thanks - I enjoy it! It's really cool to be part of the homebrew scene. Short of actually making my own game, this is as good as it gets for a 2600 fan. :)


Updated a few things on the list:

  • Added an update to the XBox 360 vs. PS3 entry
  • Updated the Bosconian mock-ups
  • Finished the additional color schemes for Juno First
  • Finished initial testing of an as-of-yet unnanounced homebrew
  • Added link to Chris' blog regarding the Juno First logo
  • Added link to Bob's Enormous Homebrew Thread Repository, which superceded one of the projects I was thinking about doing - an update of the In Development page.
  • Also Lady Bug is now #5 in the store :)

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More updates:

  • Bitmap for Bob - In progress
  • Sprite for Thomas - In progress
  • Sprites for Rip Off - In progress
  • New Homebrew Reviews - In progress
  • Keyboard Controller overlays for Synthcart - In progress (not the same as the ones for the Video Touchpad)

If I get some time, I may work on a maid sprite for Bob's game, too.


Not on the list, but "to-do" for my MacMAME.net site:

  • Update "Joysticks" review for DVD release (never figured that would happen)
  • Finish and add new movie review
  • Maybe work up some special art for the site's 9th anniversary next month

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Another update:

  • Sprites for Rip Off are done (pending additional changes)
  • Development of Chetiry now on hold
  • Development of unannounced homebrew game (originally slated to be worked on in May) now on hold
  • Lady Bug is now up to #4 in the store
  • Synthcart overlay is done

Not on the list, but I've got another game-related project I'm working on, plus I may try to throw some tank sprites together for Manuel's work on Tron for the 2600.


This list is getting a bit unwieldy to keep editing, so I may start up a new, shorter one. ;)

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