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One hundred, ninety eight...

Nathan Strum


Well, who knew?


With all of the games I've been getting through AtariAge, plus a few used ones I was given by a friend of mine, my collection of Atari 2600 games has reached nearly 200 unique titles (from the 131 I originally had, back-in-the-day).


This is my 2600 Game List (36k PDF file - you'll need to zoom in to read it). It's sorted based on when I bought the games - as part of my original collection, or as a recent acquisition, with duplicates listed at the bottom.


Actually, I don't have all of them yet. I've got another batch coming from AtariAge (indicated in the list with *) when Albert gets the chance to build and send them, but with those, I'll be at 198.


Now, with even more homebrews planned for this year, that number will exceed 200 at some point. In the meantime, I've got a couple of purchases I'm looking to make...


Boxes for Adventures of Tron and Tron Deadly Discs. I bought these originally in the package with the Tron joystick, but they didn't have individual boxes for the games, and I threw out (yeah... I'm an idiot) the original box for the joystick. But, I still have the 'stick, the games and the manuals, so I figured the next best thing would be to just get boxes for those two games. (I'm not really interested in hunting down the original box for the joystick.) Now... Atari2600.com has boxed copies of both Adventures of and Deadly Discs, either as complete-in-box, or shrink-wrapped new-in-box. Not sure which way to go there, nor even if that's a good price. The thing is though, I don't get out to the game expos, so that's likely my best bet for acquiring them (unless I can find them through the marketplace forums).


I don't really consider myself a collector by any stretch of the imagination. But this is something that's bugged me since I bought those games almost 25 years ago. So I consider it tying up a loose end more than anything.


Of course, that doesn't get me to 200, since I'm just adding duplicates to my collection, for the sake of the boxes.


One game that would get me closer though, is Threshold. I'd like to get a complete-in-box version of that. I meant to, back-in-the-day, but bought Marauder instead (which I think is a pretty bad game). So that's another loose-end, but I'm not sure how I'd go about finding one of those. I managed to dig up various pieces for sale, but would rather just get the whole thing from one source. Getting a nice box will be tough, since the foil printing on Tigervision boxes wears out pretty badly.


The 200th would be Crazy Climber (again, complete-in-box), but I'm not going to pay that kind of money. But this is another loose-end, since I had the AtariAge magazine, with the form all filled out, to buy Crazy Climber back-in-the-day. Not sure why I didn't. Probably didn't have the $26.95.


If only I'd known... :roll:


Although, it has occurred to me to possibly swap this thing for it. :ponder:


Anyway, the next thing I should probably do is put together a list of the games I have for other systems. Exactly why I should do this, is beyond me, but it seems to be the thing to do around here. :P


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but it seems to be the thing to do around here

For all my love of lists, that's something I've never done: make a list of the games I own. :)

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My list stems from one I'd written by hand, many years ago, to keep track of my high scores. It only has 100 games on it, and based on the order of some of the games (non-alphabetical) I'm guessing this list was written several games before I'd reached 100. It appears Activision's Beamrider and H.E.R.O, M-Network's Football and Star Strike, and Apollo's Space Cavern are late additions. This was around the time where I was picking up bargain priced games after the crash, but they were still plentiful. Also, I was still a member of the Columbia Video Game Club, since I hadn't yet added Cosmic Commuter to the list. Seems to me that was the last game I got from them. (They're also the place I got my Tigervision games.)


A later list (part 1, part 2) shows all 131 games I originally had. I had an electric typewriter by that point too, but I don't recall when I bought it. Mid-80's, somewhere. At any rate, Solaris and Midnight Magic had come out by then, and I think those were the last games I bought. That was also around the time I got my 7800, I think.


Should've dated this stuff. :)


Many of my boxes still have the original price tags on them (since not all were shrink-wrapped back-in-the-day). Some have multiple stickers on them, so you can see the spiraling prices as the game industry plummeted (like Defender being slashed from $27.99 to $1.99).




I've also got my original receipt for my 2600.




8-10-81. Over 25 years. It was a refurbished unit - the only way I could afford to buy one. It was discounted $20 to $119, but I don't know if that was the refurb price, or an additional sales discount. The game I bought along with it ($29.99) was Missile Command. I may have gone back later and bought Tank Plus (Combat) because the Sears systems shipped with Target Fun (Air-Sea Battle) instead. But I'm not sure... it's possible they threw it in with the unit. I have vague recollections talking to them about that. But it's entirely possible I'm one of the few people to actually buy Combat. :)

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Well, I went ahead and bought a couple of boxed Tron games from Atari2600.com. I have to say, their service was exemplary! I'm very pleased with their speed, service and quality. (I bought a couple of keypads for my Synthcart from them, too.)


Here are the new boxes. Interesting note - I never realized M-Network had two box-types. The older ones have silver ink (where the stripes are, and on the back of the box), and the newer (cheaper) ones are white. Even though I already owned both types before, I never noticed it until now.




Now, my original Tron games came packed-in with the Tron joystick, so they didn't have individual boxes. But I made do. I picked up blank white boxes from my local game store back then, and (shudder) cannibalized the Tron box for logos and art to make my own. (Note the sloppy lettering on the side.) Yes... this has bothered me for over 20 years. Probably closer to 25. They just never looked good next to the rest of my games. (Not to mention the whole "cannibalizing" thing. :) )




Anyway, it's nice to see the new boxes up on the shelf with my other M-Network games. :)


Oh, and I've updated my game list accordingly, too.

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