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A lady and a little boy walk into a pet store ...



So a lady and her son walk into a pet store and come out with a cat. No, it's not the beginning of a joke (unless the joke is my life). Susan and Mason went to the pet store last night and came home with a cat. Mason has been begging for a pet for a while now (I voted for either a goldfish or a hamster). You may recall we had a puppy for about half of a three day weekend about a year ago, but that didn't work out so well. The yapping, chewing, and pooping was just too much with a six-month-old baby and a three-year-old toddler as well. I had to be the bad guy and say "enough was enough" with the puppy. Back to the pet store he went, minus all the money we spent on shots and whatnot.


And so, a year or so later, we're going to try it again, this time with a cat. After tossing around every name from Smokey, Midnight, Tristan and Plankton, we settled on ... "Nosferatu." Nosferatu was the first vampire film ever made and was based on the story of Dracula. Mason knows about Nosferatu from his brief cameo in an episode of Spongebob Squarepants. Of course this morning Mason has had second thoughts, and thinks the cat's middle name should still be Ashton.


And so, outvoted 3-1, allow me to introduce Nosferatu Ashton O'Hara, latest addition to the clan.


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