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The Greatest Love of my Life!



I am absolutely ecstatic. I have been waiting paitently for the arrival of my nephew Charlie. Finally he has arrived, a little unexpected... but what an awesome Valentine's present! Charles Eugene Varner Saldana was born at 11:47 pm on Thursday, February 15th, 2007. He weighed 7 lbs, 1 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He has a tiny little head... only 13 inches and his chest was 12 3/4 inches. Charlie is a little chunk. :D He is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!!! (Of course Aunt JellE is a little biased) He had a full head of wavy black hair, and the biggest dark blue eyes I have ever seen...well... when he opens them, that is. (I know those will change, but maybe not too much)


I was with my sister through all of it... from the moment she was admitted to the epidural to the c-section to the discharge to go home. This is definitely an experience I won't soon forget. In many ways it was hard for me to see my sister go through so much. I cried when they tried to give her the epidural, as they had to stick her 3 times before they got it in. After that, I was alright, and so was she. (Definitely not feeling much pain at all! I kinda wish I coulda got one! haha)


But I am truly thankful all turned out much better than we had initially feared. We were under the impression Charlie would be very small and not fully developed. The dates were all messed up, and all of the people interpreting his sonograms apparently weren't all that accurate. I am actually very glad they were all wrong. He scored an 8 on his Apgar, and his audiology report was near perfect. He has all of his little fingers and toes. Nothing at all wrong with him. Everyone at the hospital was amazed how there were no problems with him as he was in the womb almost 2 days AFTER the membrane was ruptured, and he ended up coming into the world via supposed emergency c-section.


I am relieved, exhausted, and just happy as can be. My little nephew has been the greatest Valentine's present I could have ever asked for. I am most definitely a very proud Auntie!!! :)

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