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My love for Playstation 1

Duke 4ever


Well, as some of you may know, and most of you dont, I am a big fan of the original Playstation. Its my favorite game system and I own about 90 games for it. I'm not sure why I love the playstation so much. Maybe its because I grew up with the games on it or because it just seemed like most games for it were unique and amazing. I always have my PS1 connected to a TV so that I can play some of my old favorites.


Recently, Ive been playing both Final Doom and Star Wars: Dark Forces.


Simply put, ill never part with my ps1.


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Amen brother!


I love my PSX. I refuse to call it a PSOne because I believe it's from the second batch that hit the US. I wasn't fortunate enough to get on Sept. 9th so I waited until around Dec. to get it. Besides, by that time I had read that Namco would develop exclusively for the PSX. That's what nailed the coffin shut on the Saturn for me. I was a Sega fan since I had a Genesis and I loved the games on it. I really wanted to support Sega but after hearing this, I had to go with the PSX.


I have a slim PS2 but it's something about having my faithful grey PSX connected. I guess it just brings back memories.

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I bought my first Playstation last month. My impression of the system is fairly mixed, but I've been disappointed with many of the games I've purchased. I bought the system to try out the PS1's mix of fighting games. I like the two Street Fighter EX games, but SF Collection blows. The load times totally kill all three games and the BGM sounds like crap. Tekken 3 and DOA are OK, but not my favorite style of fighting games. Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout 3, and Medal of Honor are overrated disapointments. I don't know what I expected there, something better I guess. R4 totally rocks though.


I need to pick up some shooters, more fighters (SFA3) and some of the classic arcade compilations. Hopefully, I'll find enough games I like to justify keeping the system. Although, I'd probably keep a PS around just for R4.

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I probably don't agree about Tekken 3, Hot Shots Golf and Medal of Honor as I think those are great though there's a moment in the 2nd Medal of Honor where you create a robot to help you and it just looks so bizarre that it kind of messes up that part of the game. Overall, though, I'm also a huge fan of the system and it's one of just two systems that I have reached 200 games for, the Super Nintendo being the other.

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I had a lot of ISS matches with my brother back in the day but the PSX always felt a bit cold as a system, maybe because everyone had it :D . ISS ruled though ;) .

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There are still a handful of games I really like on the PlayStation...


NASCAR Rumble - still way too fun. Really, really good arcade smash-'em-up racer.

Driver 2 - yes, some of the missions are unfair, the graphics are crude, but the "free drive" mode is a kick. Favorite time-waster: making as many laps around the Chicago freeway as you can before the cops take you down.

Bushido Blade - best... fighter... ever... . And I don't like fighters. I like the fact that when you take damage, it actually affects how you can fight. Why did they take that out of the sequel? Idiots.

Gran Turismo 2 - Better than the subsequent games, because you could earn cash and cars faster. Despite the bugs where you can lose all your cars and can't finish the game. ;)

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Twisted Metal 2 is an absolute must. And if you like Doom & Dark Forces you have to check out Disruptor. Hands down, the best first-person shooter for the PS1. It was also the first game made by Insomniac games who later found success with the Spyro series (also great games) and the Ratchet & Clank games of the PS2. Unfortunately Disruptor came out the same time Dark Forces & Doom did and it didn't have the name recognition the others did. It is a far superior game but nobody bought it because nobody ever heard of it.

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