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Successful Surgery for Sue



Susan’s surgery was a total success. When the nurses wheeled her into her room after recovery we expected to see her medicated or at least drowsy – not so. Susan was quite lucid, awake, and in no pain at all. For an hour or so they had her on oxygen and was monitoring her blood pressure, but now they’re not even doing that. Susan says that her stomach feels like she just did 100 sit-ups, but other than that she feels great.


Susan’s recovery room looks more like a hotel suite than a hospital room. The room has wood floors, two large chairs, a large couch, and a flat-screen television with free movies-on-demand, pay-per-view, cable, and wireless Internet (which I’m using to post this). With the surgery done and behind us, we’ve mentally moved on to the next crisis … Anna Nicole’s baby’s daddy (eye roll).


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