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Tomorrow is my last day of school! and oh boy, finals!! yeah, i have a lot to do tomorrow like my econ, precalc final then return my track stuff then go see my counselor about my schedual and then... that's it. I was going to show off my 2600 or Jag at school during the classes i don't have a final in, but Laura rained on my sunshine parade and told me that was stupid. i think it's a good idea. i showed some people a tape i made of AVP and they were pretty impressed. only person who wasn't impressed was laura. but she's convinced that SNES has the same graphics as a jag. she's tried to convince me that she's played cybermorph before.. on an SNES :roll: . i told her that must have been Starfox 64 on N64, but nope, she insists it was SNES. she's a silly head.well, i'm just stalling now. i don't want to go do homework.. but i have to.


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